lesson XXIII Flashcards
sapiō, -ere, sapīvī
to taste; understand; have sense
reposcō, -ere
to ask back again, demand
perendinus, a, um
of day after tomorrow
sustineo, sustinere, sustinui, sustentus
support; sustain; hold back
relēgō (1)
to send away, remove
consurgō, -ere, -surrexī
rise up (together)
ōrō (1)
plead, pray (for), entreat
pertinācia, -ae
f.: stubbornness, obstinacy
perspiciō, -ere, -spexī, -spectum
permoveo,permovere, permovi, permotus
circumspicō, -ere
look around, consider
instrumentum, -ī
n.: tool, implement; stock
excogitō (1)
think out, devise, contrive
augeō, ēre, auxī, auctum
increase, enlarge
languor, -ōris
m.: fatigue, weariness, sluggishness
agmen, agminis
n.: column, battle line, formation
impedimentum, i
n. hindrance, heavy baggage
intereo, interire, interii, interitum
perish, die