lesson plan 11-12 Flashcards
what is kinesiology?
science of movement
what is biomechanics?
the application of mechanics to the living human body
which of the following describes ‘linear motion’?
- object progresses in a straight line with moving parts in the same direction
- rotational motion on a central axis
- object progresses in a straight line with moving parts in the same direction
define longitudinal muscle fiber alignment
fibres run parallel blending together with the tendon. they don’t generate much tension and make up most upper body extremities
what are example of longitudinal fibres?
( muscles and types )
parellel / fusiform
rhomboids / digastric / sternohyoid are some examples
what are the type of penniform fibres?
unipennate (extensor digitorum longus)
bipennate (rectus femoris)
multipennate (deltoid)
what is the major contributor to a particular movement, other muscles would be secondary agonist or assistant movers?
prime mover (agonist)
what is the action opposite to the agonist that does not mean that they are exerting tension when the agonist contracts?
antagonist movement
what is the voluntary fixation on isometric contraction of opposing muscle groups to ‘fix’ a joint in a position.
do fixators decrease circulation which slows healing and attempt to protect the injuries area or muscle by fixing its position?
what is the two muscles which act together to produce a movement which neither could produce alone?
example: dorsiflexion by tib. anterior and extensor digitorum longs.
conjoint synergist
what is neutralizing / counteracting synergists?
when a muscle crosses more then one joint it may produce a desirable movement at one joint but often produces an undesirable movement at other joints it crosses.
what is the stabilizing of Proximal joints to help distal segments move effectively?
stabilizing synergist
what is the CONTRACTION of a muscle that is insufficient due to limitations of muscle length?
active insufficiency
what is the RANGE of motion insufficient due to limitations of muscle length?
passive insufficiency