Lesson D: The encounter with Jesus Christ is a call to Discipleship Flashcards
We want to know what it takes to experience the “other” as “the other”
How the experience of “the other” may be needed for the development of self-awareness.
Intersubjectivity or Other-awareness
The idea of intersubjectivity presupposes _______.
human subjectivity
Intersubjectivity refers to the condition of man as a subject alongside other men. It pertains to human relations
True or False
Both are true
Begins from lived experience
The “I” cannot exist in isolation, and always exits alongside other “I’s”
The self always finds its fullness in the existence of other selves
We must withstand the temptation to reduce other people to a means for us to use
Whose Philosophical Anthropology?
Martin Buber’s
“Dialogical” Relationship
I-Thou Relationship
“Thou” is a reducible to certain characteristics
true or false
* Thou is NOT reducible to certain characteristics
Is I-Thou views the other as a genuine person capable of feeling the same way as the self
true or false
“Monological” Relationship
I-it (Ich-Es) Relationship
Considers the other as a mere instrument to achieve a need
I-it (Ich-Es) Relationship
Reduces the other to an object that is measurable and manipulative
I-it (Ich-Es) Relationship
“Everyone must come out of his Exile in his own way”
“All real living is meeting”
“The world’s not comprehensible: through the embracing of one of its beings”
who said these qoutes?
Martin Buber
“The face of the other”
who said this?
sometimes capitalized, sometimes not
Usually translates the French word autrui which means “the other person”, “someone else”
(i.e., other than oneself)
By “face” Levina means the _____.
or in french, _____
human face; visage
the first, usual, unreflective encounter with the face is as the living presence of another person and, therefore as something experienced socially and ethically.
We ____ to Jesus Christ
We ____ to His words
We____ His actions
What does Discipleship entail?
If you want to be perfect, go sell your possessions, come follow me
If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me
It is a set that utterly demonstrate the moral standards of our Lord and at the same time resonate His call to follow Him as His disciples
Acc. to St. thomas Aquinas, ______ is the Perfect Exemplification of the Beatitudes
A picture of a happy mann
Christ Crucified
To be happy:
______ what Jesus despised on the cross
4 things that makes us happy:
Love what Jesus loves on the Cross
Doing the will of the Father
The single-hearted one
Hungers for righteousness
Ultimate peacemaker
Ultimate bearer of God’s mercy
It is osmeone who is a lover of truth: Jesus the way, the truth and the Life
What makes one a disciple?
imitates Jesus who gives primacy to the will of the Father
What is expected of a disciple?
A disciple lives in loving service of other
To live in communion with one another, just like what He did
Can we still have an encounter with Jesus?
Yes, because the Church was instituted by Christ to ______?
perpetuate His presence on earth
It is an encounter with God through Jesus Christ in the Church through the power of the Holy Spirit
It is where 7 sacraments and Fundamental Sacrament is
Primordial Sacrament
It is where the Primordial Sacrament
The Father
Bapstism : _______
Confirmation : Maturity
Eucharist : _______
Marriage : Relationship
Holy Orders : Service for Other
Reconcilation : Commit Mistakes
Anointing of the Sick : ________
Sick and Death
The Church was instituted as the sacrament of salvation of all, not only of the explicit members but also those who share in the “theandric communion without explicit awareness of Christic foundation.”
Therefore, Jesus entrusted to the Church the mission:
- To make present in every time, in every situation the encounter between the ______ and ____, God and mankind.
- To promote and preserve, within the unity of the Church, the faith and the moral life
spirit; the flesh
In communion, we become like Jesus who is:
- _____ of poor
- _____ of those who suffer
- one who ______ the good news
- one who ______ the Father’s will
- friend of poor
- comforter of those who suffer
- one who proclaimed the good news
- one who obeys the Father’s will
the Church has not ceased, nor can ever cease, to contemplate the “mystery of the Word Incarnate”
true or false