Lesson 9&10 Flashcards
What does the word “fool” mean?
Worthless one (worth less than me)
Give a phrase that is an example of the following:
a) Spiritual homicide
b) Spiritual suicide
a) You are worthless
b) I am worthless
In the Sermon on the Mount, as in the Ten Commandments, what kinds of relationships are addressed?
Both vertical (God) and horizontal (others)
What does Matthew 5:45-48 show?
The kind of love that we must have for others
Why did Jesus choose twelve apostles?
So He could re-form Israel
We are not called to be saved; we are called to …?
Be on the mission
What is the heart of the Luke-Acts corpus
Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection, and ascension
Where is the kingdom of God?
Wherever God is worshipped and served as king
What does “liturgy” mean?
Order of worship
What sorts of events in Jesus’ life was Luke careful to include in his Gospel?
Events where prayer played a critical role
Why was the prayer meeting in Acts 4 so powerful?
Because their prayer was missional and not personal
What was the purpose of the miracles done by Jesus and the early church?
They occurred to advance the mission
While the salvation message does not change, what may differ from person to person?
What God requires of an individual
What does the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42 teach us about discipleship?
Even in a culture that devalued women, discipleship was open to all
The more we know about God and the more He reveals Himself, the more He does wha
Calls us to walk by faith
Why don’t we have to wonder whether there will be a resurrection?
Christ is the first fruits from the grave
What did Christ’s resurrection signal?
The start of a new eschatological age
What is given at the end of each Gospel?
The commission to go and make disciples