Lesson 1&2 Flashcards
List seven (7) characteristics of the Apostolic church
a) Power of the Word
b) Worship
c) Holiness
d) Baptism
e) Power of the Spirit
f) Leadership
g) Mission
List the three (3) chapters in the Bible that have no impact of sin
a) Genesis 1b) Genesis 2
c) Revelation 22
What was the first murder triggered by?
What two (2) things is God seeking to restore relationship with?
a) Humanity
b) Creation
What is the guiding principle for all Scripture?
God created a world for relationship, but sin created breaches between God and humanity; ever since, God has been at work restoring all of creation back to Himself
Michael Goheen views our role as a contrast people in what three (3) distinct directions?
a) Forward to the fulfillment of God’s kingdom
b) Backward to creation
c) Outward to the nations
What are the three (3) aspects that we need to consider when thinking about the church?
a) What the church is (its nature or ontology [being])
b) What the church does (its mission or ministry)
c) What the church organises (its structure or organisation)
When did the implements in the Tabernacle, that were made clean and dedicated to God, become holy?
Only once they were used
Define the following words:
a) Ecclesiology
b) Eschatology
c) Missiology
a) The study of the church
b) The study of last things
c) The study of the church’s mission (especially with respect to missionary activity)
Because the church goes into all the world, what will it often base its model of church governance on?
The type of leadership that is prevalent in each community
Where does the church’s mission come from?
The One who creates, owns, and leads the church
List four (4) things that God is using to bring to pass what He is doing at the end of time
a) Global economy
b) Technology
c) Migration patterns
d) Media
Explain the difference between mission and missions
Mission is what God is doing in the world today using the church, whereas missions is often used to refer to one particular department of the church
List the three (3) dimensions of truth and briefly define each
a) Orthodoxy (right doctrine)
b) Orthopraxy (right practice)
c) Orthopathy (right emotions)
According to 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, what comes before the words of reconciliation?
The work of reconciliation
Once a person’s basic life needs have been satisfied (food, shelter, fundamental relationships), what is the great need that eclipses nearly everything else?
To live on purpose
What did Jesus help the disciples to realise about the storm while on the way to Gadara?
The storm wasn’t about them; it was about who was on the other side
What freed Israel to do its missional work?
When its identity was transformed from an oppressed and enslaved people