Lesson 17&18 Flashcards
What does walking in holiness prevent us from doing?
Dissipating our energy and our life on worldly, transient things
What should we anticipate when people walk away from truth?
They will also begin to walk away from holiness
List the four (4) acts of holiness in John 17:15-21
a) Come out
b) Get clean
c) Receive the commission
d) Go back in
According to Philippians, what does it take to be transformed?
A continual renewing of the mind
Give a secular example of being made clean with purpose
Surgeons wash their hands because they are putting them in a sick person’s chest
Contrast the following:
a) Self-serving holiness
b) Compassionate holiness
a) Is only concerned with making sure you are saved
b) Seeks the salvation of others
Neighbour is not about relationship; it is about _____?
Nearness and need
Jesus links the commandment to love our neighbour to which Old Testament text
The Shema (“Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one”)
The Good Samaritan story reminds us that ______?
We can’t be so preoccupied with serving God in gathered worship that we forget to care for our neighbours
List the three (3) areas of resources or margins in the Good Samaritan story
a) Financesb) Time
c) Emotions
What does a holistic ministry do?
Deals with the whole person, including their need for a relationship with Jesus Christ
There were many law in the Old Testament that provided for the care and protection of who?
Why was hospitality so critical in Old Testament times?
Survival depended on it
In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus judges the nations based on _____?
Their hospitality
Give one scripture reference that shows that ALL saints are responsible for being hospitable and caring for others
Romans 12:13; Hebrews 13:2; 1 Peter 4:9
Into what five (5) areas does hospitality welcome others?
a) Our homes
b) Families
c) Lands
d) Churches
e) Cultures
We don’t need to do extreme measures for God in order to produce much fruit; we just need to _____________?
Be faithful with what is placed in our hands
Finish the following sentences:
a) Average is considering ________
b) Normal is considering _________
a) Yourself against what everyone else is doing
b) What the creator designed for you to be and do
What do the following focus on:
a) Average living
b) Normal living
a) Agenda and productivity
b) Relationships
What two (2) things does Kingdom praying do?
a) It gets answers to prayer (bearing fruit)b) It gives glory to the Father