Lesson 8 - Social Changes Flashcards
What word describes the close agreement between the chancellor of the exchequer and the labour shadow chancellor?
How much did wages rise by during the 50’s?
What was Britain like in the 50’s?
- A country still shaped by war.
- Britain’s social life looked at the past - regional and class loyalties were still strong. You could usually recognise a persons class or origins from their accent or dress.
Who was responsible for implementing domestic policy?
Home Secretary, butler
What’s an example of liberal domestic policy introduced under conservatives?
Homicide act in 1957
What is consumerism?
The protection or promotion of the interests of consumers
How were living standards like?
- men’s weekly wages were increasing (8.30 in 1951 to 15.35 in 1961)
- greater availability of credit (hire purchase) led to consumer boom
- unemployment rose during the 1950’s - just under 400k by 1957
What was technology like?
- queens coronation was televised in 1953 - 56% of the population watched the event
- boom in car ownership - rose by 25$ between 1957 and 1960
What was leisure like?
- foreign holidays were still enjoyed by less than 2% of the population
- 1957, 94% of British workers had annual two week holidays, better workers rights and wages.
What was youth like?
- mods and rockers (youth groups) clashed, large scale riots in Brighton may 1964.
- teddy boys, another group wore old fashions and were seen as a challenge to older people.
- due to advancements in technology, younger people had more time for leisure and had more visibility in media.
What was the establishment?
A term for an informal network of social and political elites. They were privileged people (mainly male). Politicians, diplomats, bishops.
What was class like?
- working classes had more money now and started to get middle class attributes like cars and property ownership. This challenged ideas about class and social mobility
- Profumo affair, conservative MP slept with a soviet spy. This was exposed by the media and shows that the media no longer respected government privacy.
What was the conditions for women like during this period?
- seen primarily as housewives
- family allowances paid to women to ensure they didn’t work.
- mortgages and bank accounts were in men’s names which made women financially dependent on men
Some improvement - equal pay for teachers 1952
How far were the changes in 1950’s? (Positive)
- more homes built
- increase in car ownership and other luxury goods - consumerism
- baby boomers = new youth culture
How far was the 1950’s a change? (Negative)
- There was still a class divide between cities and suburbs.
- women still expected to be wives and mothers. 1 in 5 worked
- rise of immigration and negative reaction