According to method of determining the area, some areas may be in the shape of?
regular geometric figure (square, triangle, or parallelogram)
irregular (bounded entirely by curved boundaries.)
The method of determining areas of land by plane surveying differs from that of ________.
Geodetic Surveying
In plane surveying, the area is not the actual area of the land surface but is taken as its projection upon a __________.
horizontal plane
The area can be found by dividing the lot into a series of triangles, making the necessary measurements and then calculating the area by any of the usual trigonometric formulas.
Area by Triangles
The scaled drawing is marked off in squares of unit areas then counted. This is used to approximate areas.
Area by Coordinates Squares
The polar planimeter is a mechanical device used to determine the area of any shape of figure plotted to a known scale by directly tracing the perimeter and reading the result from the scale.
Area by Polar Planimeter:
is based on the following rule in analytic geometry: If the vertices of the figure are taken in order around the figure, the area is equal to one-half the sum of the products of each ordinate multiplied by the difference between the two adjacent abscissas always subtracting the preceding from the following abscissa.
Area by Coordinates
This method is an adaptation of the coordinates method and is convenient to use when the latitudes and departures of the traverse are known.
Area by Double Meridian Distance (DMD)
is the distance of the midpoint of a line to the reference meridian.
Meridian Distance
DMD Rule 1
The DMD of the first course is equal to the departure of the course.
The DMD of any other course is equal to the DMD of the preceding course, plus the departure of the preceding course, plus the departure of the course itself.
DMD Rule 2
DMD Rule 3
The DMD of the last course is numerically equal to the departure of that course, but with opposite signs.
DPD Rule 1
The DPD of the first course is equal to the latitude of the course.
The DPD of any other course is equal to the DPD of the preceding course, plus the latitude of the preceding course, plus the latitude of the course itself.
DPD Rule 2
DPD Rule 3
The DPD of the last course is numerically equal to the latitude of that course, but with opposite signs.