Consists of a series of successive straight line that are connected together.
Process of measuring the lengths and directions of the sides of a traverse.
Purpose of Traversing
To find the position of certain points
which are normally used for exploratory purposes, have the disadvantage that arithmetic checks are not available.
Open Traverse
is one that begins and ends at the same point. It offers simple checks and adjustments for both angles and distances
Close Traverse
The closure of a traverse is checked by computing the________ and ________ of each of its sides.
latitudes | departures
The _______ of a line is its projection on the north-south meridian.
The __________of a line is its projection on the east- west line.
A northeasterly bearing has ________?
Latitude and Departure
A popular method for balancing errors is called
Compass or the Bowditch rule
Balancing the latitudes and departures of a traverse attempts to obtain more probable values for the locations of the corners of the traverse.
Traverse Adjustment
The “Bowditch rule” was devised by ________
Nathaniel Bowditch
a proposed solution to the problem of compass traverse adjustment, which was posed in ____________________
the American Journal The Analyst in 1807
According to compass rule, the compass method assumes:
- angles and distances have same error
- errors are accidental
Compass rule states that the error in latitude (departure) of a line is the ________ in latitude (departure) as the length of the line is the _________of the traverse
total error |perimeter