Lesson 8 Flashcards
How is Middlesbrough a declining town?
It has redundant buildings
What building closed?
The steel works
What did the closure of the steel works cause?
Closure of industries, shops and services
a redundant work force 30% unemployed - Long term unemployment
What impact does the Closure of industries, shops and services have?
Less money to spend as there is no jobs available (less disposable income)
What does less money in the economy effect?
Housing - derelict buildings - borded up
housing price £57,000, national average £180,000
What causes a growth of crime?
education and health services reduced - require improvement
depression and despair - lack of opportunities
Examples of crime and vandalism in Middlesbrough?
Anti social behavior
fly tipping risen by 10%
What factors have contributed to environmental decay?
crime and vandalism, housing disrepair
What can cause depression and despair in Middlesbrough?
Lack of opportunities and low motivation