lesson 8 Flashcards
acceleration noun
hasten*/to go faster
an acceleration in the rate of economic growth
the action of molecules accelerates(v)when they are heated
-a car with good acceleration
hasten verb
to go faster/accelerate*/to say or do something without delay
She saw his frown and hastened to explain
The treatment she received in fact, have hastened her death
crushing adjective
grind*/press/how bad or severe something is
it was a crushing blow to the presidents program
the machine crushes corn to produce cornmeal
grind verb
grind something (to/into something)
The animal has teeth that grind its food into a pulp
cultivation noun
grow*/plant/raise/growth of a relationship
under cultivation
fertile land that is under cultivation(
cultivation noun
grow*/plant/raise/growth of a relationship
under cultivation
fertile land that is under cultivation(preparation for growing)
the cultivation of diverse crops
-the cultivation of a good relationship(development)
-that allows them to cultivatre a relationship with each other
derive verb
he derives great joy from growing vegetables
obtain verb
derive*/ to get something by effort
I’ve been trying to obtain permission to publish this material
impose verb
dictate*/demand/to order
A new tax was imposed( on) fuel
you are not in a position to dictate(v) demands
his boss resembled a dictator
distinguish verb
recognize difference/discriminate*
distinguish between A and B
At what age are children able to distinguish (between) right and wrong?
It was hard to distinguish one twin( from) the other
some people can not distinguish colors well
they are distinguish by their long noises
discriminate verb
distinguish*/recognize difference
discriminate (between A and B)
The computer was unable to discriminate between letters and numbers.
discriminate A from B
discriminate verb
-discriminate (against somebody)
practices that discriminate against women and in favour of men(treat)