Lesson 3 Flashcards
alteration (noun)
syn:*modify/change/make difference
They are( making) some alterations (to) the house
an alteration (in) the baby’s heartbeat
wii the storm alter its course?
gloria hasn,t artered his plans
modify (verb)
to change/alter*/make difference
-Patients are taught how to modify their diet.
to make something less extreme
-She refused to modify her behaviour
civilization( noun)
human society that is very developed
Archaeologists analyze ancient civilizations(history)
annoyance (noun)
being slightly angry
She stamped her foot(in) annoyance.
The delay is now shorter but still an annoyance.
she annoyed her parents by coming home late
anticipation (noun)
something might happen in the future/predict
they planned their vacation with anticipation
The courtroom was filled with anticipation.
determine( verb)
to discover the facts about something/ascertain/discover
-determine exactly what happened that night.
to officially decide
-i determinded that…
mold( noun)
-a container
- style showing the characteristics
traditional mold/a hero in the ‘Superman’ mold
established (adjective)
respected for a long time
-an established company
well known
-an established actor
to deal more successfully with a new situation/*conform
It’s amazing how soon you adapt
to adapt( to )change
-to change
Three of her novels have been adapted for television.
conformist (noun)
behaves and thinks in the same way as most people/adapt
she has always been a conformist
enrichment( noun)
the act of improving the quality of something/greater value/*enhance
-the discovery of oil was an enrichment for the country
the act of making somebody richer
-personal enrichment
enhance (verb)
improve the good quality/*enrich
This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company.
to enhance his performance.
enhance our ability.
intensity( noun)
stronger in feeling/stronger in quality/heighten
the chess match was played with great intensity
intense /intensive(adjective)
-We were all suffering in the intense heat/
under intense pressure
- involving a lot of action
intense competition
intensely/intensively( adverb)
She disliked him intensely