Lesson 7-How successful were Khrushchev's economic reforms? Flashcards
Define light industry.
Term used for industries that are involved in manufacturing goods, often household products such as clothes, shoes and furniture.
Give some examples of heavy industries.
Light industries have a more direct impact on the standard of living than heavy industries.
True or false?
What was The Liberman Plan?
Plan which was drawn up to address the issues of underperformance in the Soviet economy.
What did Liberman believe it was vital to do?
To encourage greater initiative in the command economy in order to improve productivity.
Define military-industrial complex.
Term given to the powerful bloc (alliance) created by links between the armed forces and those sectors of the economy involved in the manufacture of military products.
What did The Virgin Lands Scheme encourage?
The opening up of new areas to agricultural production.
5 key problems with Stalin FYPs.
- Focused on heavy industry at the expense of consumer goods.
- Quantity over quality
- A lot of money was diverted to the military
- Agriculture was under funded and not mechanised
- Were run under a command economy
What did Stalin’s death mean for industry?
Focus moved away from heavy industry towards light industry, consumer goods, chemicals and agriculture at a realistic pace.
What did Stalin’s death mean for economic policy?
Changed the pace and focus of it
Why was the pace and focus of economic policy changed?
To broaden the base of the Soviet economy and to bring real benefits to the lives of the people.
Why did Khrushchev’s economic policy face challenges?
Rigid command economy
Why did the rigid command economy mean Khrushchev’s economic policy faced challenges?
-Vast bureaucratic system administrators stifled initiative
-System = clumsy & wasteful (administrators estimated demand and then set target-if demand increased then it could not be met)
Summarise Khrushchev’s 4 key reforms.
- 1957-105 regional council (Sovnarkhozy) were set up.
- Harsh labour laws were removed.
- Managers given more influence in their factories.
- Greater emphasis on vocation education
Why were Sovnarkhozys set up in 1957?
Was an attempt to de-centralise decision making to the regions