Lesson 7: Communicating Effectively in Multi-cultural Settings Flashcards
the verbal and nonverbal interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds
Intercultural Communication
the study of how people belonging to different background communicate with each other, in ways that are both similar and different among themselves and how they endeavor to communicate across culture
Cross-cultural Communication
something that incorporates ideas, beliefs, or people for many different countries and cultural backgrounds
Multicultural Setting
the belief that one’s culture is superior to all others and is the standard by which all other cultures should be measured
three parts of developing intercultural communication
part of developing intercultural communication that refers to the practical stuff you need to know to communicate such as greeting rituals, styles of communication, etc.
skills that are required to communicate or share information with other people from other cultures and social groups
Intercultural Communication Skills
the way people communicate across cultures verbally and non-verbally
Communication Styles
communication style where it tends to be indirect, harmoniously structured and understated
High Context Communication
communication style where people are expected to speak one after another in an orderly, linear fashion
High Context Communication
communication style where disagreements are personally threatening and it is important to solve it immediately
High Context Communication
communication style where physical space is considered more communal
High Context Communication
communication style where accuracy is valued and how well something is learned is important
High Context Communication
communication style that can be observed in Japan, Greece and various Arab Nations
High Context Communication
communication style where it tends to be linear, dramatic, precise and open
Low Context Communication
communication style where words are used constantly
Low Context Communication
communication style where disagreements are depersonalized and need not be resolved for work to continue
Low Context Communication
communication style where when solutions are found, they tend to be rationally based
Low Context Communication
communication style where privacy and personal space are highly valued
Low Context Communication
communication style where verbal messages are explicit and direct words are valued above their context
Low Context Communication
communication style where speed is valued and how efficiently something is done
Low Context Communication
communication style that can be observed in US , Germany and various Scandinavian countries
Low Context Communication
Forms of non-verbal communication
Eye Contact Touch Gestures Physical Space Facial Language Paralanguage
last component of intercultural communication competence which refers to appreciation and acceptance to the diversity of the culture and is able to communicate with culturally different others in an unexpected, interested and open manner
thinking of people who see the world from their own perspective and cannot fathom the idea that others do not have the same perspective
It is an illogical looking down on others without prior understanding of the culture or person
an oversimplified belief about a culture or specified group of people