Lesson 6: Your Job And The Future It Holds For You Flashcards
The construction industry employs about ? of all the workers in the U.S.A.
True or false
Lowering the prime interest rate can lead to increased employment.
The ? of construction workers is one of the most critical factors in shaping our economy and keeping it rolling.
Which goods-producing sector of the economy of the U.S.A. is expected to continue to grow?
The construction industry is projected to expand by nearly ? annually.
True or false
Over 10% of the total construction workforce is employed by electrical contractors.
From the list below, select three major reasons why quality performance by skilled electrical workers is essential.
I. A reliable system is important to banks.
II. It ensures that Americans continue to have a high standard of living.
III. It keeps our country competitive.
IV. It prevents a layoff.
V. Our nation runs on electricity.
VI. UPS systems are limited to only one hour.
- It ensures that Americans continue to have a high standard of living.
- It keeps our country competitive
- Our nation runs on electricity.
America may be facing not only a ? of labor, but it is also confronting a shortage of ? labor.
Shortage / Skilled
From the choices below, which modern developments provide employment opportunities in the electrical construction industry for those who prepare for it?
Select one:
a. Factory automation, electronic innovations, and lasers Incorrect
b. Fiber optics and nuclear, solar, and wind power Incorrect
c. Smart houses and intelligent buildings Incorrect
d. Superconductivity and computerization Incorrect
e. All of the above Correct
All of the above.
Of the thousands of electrical contractors who run union shops in the U.S., over ? once worked at the trade.
From the list, select two things you must grasp to succeed in the electrical construction industry.
I. Striving to become a talented JATC instructor
II. Striving to become a technical expert in a single segment of our industry
III. Striving to become a good union steward
IV. Striving to be an asset to the electrical contractor who employs you
V. Technical know-how
IV. Striving to be an asset to the electrical contractor who employs you
V. Technical know-how
The opportunity to succeed in the electrical construction industry exists as a result of a ? effort by the IBEW and ? .
Cooperative / NECA
Why should the apprentice learn to appreciate contractors and the responsibilities they have? Answer this question by selecting the best answer from the following list.
Select one:
a. Because the apprentice needs a great paycheck Incorrect
b. Because if contractors are happy, the apprentice is happy Incorrect
c. Because many workers do not appreciate contractors Incorrect
d. Because the apprentice’s future is directly tied to the contractors’ success or failure
Because the apprentice’s future is directly tied to the contractors’ success or failure
List the five steps a contractor must take before going into business.
I. Arrange financing
II. Buy equipment
III. Have a college degree
IV. Have 4-8 years experience in the electrical industry
V. Hire supervisory and nonproductive help
VII. Obtain jobs
VIII. Obtain an adequate supply of skilled labor
I. Arrange financing
II. Buy equipment
V. Hire supervisory and nonproductive help
VII. Obtain jobs
VIII. Obtain an adequate supply of skilled labor
Of the steps that a contractor must follow before going into business, which step makes the IBEW possible?
Obtain an adequate supply of skilled labor
What is “labor” to the contractor? From the list below, select the three best responses.
I. Labor is the means by which to get the job done.
II. Labor is the public relations department of the business as far as the customer is concerned.
III. Labor can be the difference between profit and loss, success and bankruptcy.
IV. Labor is not a cost burden on the project or job.
V. Labor relations must be studied in college before one becomes a contractor and hires labor to work.
I. Labor is the means by which to get the job done.
II. Labor is the public relations department of the business as far as the customer is concerned.
III. Labor can be the difference between profit and loss, success and bankruptcy.
Name four costs of doing business that are considered as overhead (operating expenses).
I. Bucket trucks and cranes II. Equipment, office III. Financing IV. Labor V. Material VI. Obtaining jobs VII. Supervisory and nonproductive help
II. Equipment, office
III. Financing
VI. Obtaining jobs
VII. Supervisory and nonproductive help
The price a customer pays for a common electrical job is broken down into four major financial categories. Select the correct four financial categories from the list below.
I. Apprentice education II. Health and welfare insurance III. Labor IV. Material V. Overhead VI. Profit VII. Vacation and sick pay
III. Labor
IV. Material
V. Overhead
VI. Profit
Why is management vitally interested in apprentice and Journeyman Electrical Worker training?
a. Contractor bids are less competitive with unqualified labor.
b. Project labor costs increase with unqualified labor.
c. Supervision is less productive with unqualified labor.
d. Unqualified labor is a burden to a contractor.
Select all that apply to correctly answer this statement: As an IBEW electrician you should be:
I. A good sales representative for the shop
II. A good sales representative for union labor
III. A productive worker every day
IV. Well trained in all phases of the trade
I. A good sales representative for the shop
II. A good sales representative for union labor
III. A productive worker every day
IV. Well trained in all phases of the trade