Lesson 6 Vocab Flashcards
the examination of a body to determine the cause of death or to identify disease processes
a sound, especially an abnormal one, heard on auscultation or by ultrasound
computed tomography (CT)
a type of X-ray that produces three-dimensional images of cross-sections of body parts
critical value
a test result that indicates a life-threatening situation and requires immediate attention
a protein capable of initiating a chemical reaction that involves the formation or breakage of chemical bonds. When muscle damage or death occurs, enzymes within the muscle cell are released into the circulating blood.
an anticoagulant (blood thinner) given to people who are at rick of developing blood clots
a local lack of red blood cells because of mechanical obstruction of the blood supply, usually caused by arterial narrowing
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
a diagnostic tool that uses a magnetic field to produce images of body structures and organs
a specialized X-ray of the breast
midstream urine specimen (MSU)
also called a clean catch urine specimen; urine specimen collected after cleansing oneself and discarding the first part of the urine stream to avoid contamination; used for culture and sensitivity tests
reference range
the normal range; the values expected for a particular test
the fluid portion of the blood. Often used in phrases describing levels of blood components, as in serum creatinine.
(short for Latin “statim”) immediately
a procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves directed at an organ or object to produce a visual image