Lesson 6 - Supporting IPv4 and IPv6 Networks Flashcards
What will the command “ipconfig” display when typed into a CLI?
ipconfig without any switches will display the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway (router) for all network interfaces to which TCP/IP is bound.
What will the command “ipconfig /all” display when typed into a CLI?
ipconfig /all displays complete TCP/IP configuration parameters for each interface, including whether the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is enabled for the interface and the interface’s hardware (MAC) address.
What will the command “ipconfig /renew interface” display when typed into a CLI?
ipconfig /renew interface forces a DHCP client to renew the lease it has for an IP address.
What will the command “ipconfig /release interface” display when typed into a CLI?
ipconfig /release interface releases the IP address obtained from a DHCP Server so that the interface(s) will no longer have an IP address.
What will the command “ipconfig /displaydns” display when typed into a CLI?
ipconfig /displaydns displays the Domain Name System (DNS) resolver cache.
What will the command “ipconfig /flushdns” display when typed into a CLI?
ipconfig /flushdns clears the DNS resolver cache.
What will the command “ipconfig /registerdns” display when typed into a CLI?
ipconfig /registerdns registers the host with a DNS server (if it supports dynamic updates).
What is ICMP?
The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is used to report errors and send messages about the delivery of a packet. ICMP messages are generated under error conditions in most types of unicast traffic, but not for broadcast or multicast packets.
In Linux, where are the DNS server addresses recorded?
In Linux, the DNS server addresses are recorded in /etc/resolv.conf
What is IGMP snooping?
IGMP snooping means the switch reads IGMP messages and can determine if the host on an access port or one or more hosts in a VLAN have joined a multicast group. IGMP snooping is not an available feature for switches that are not multicast-aware, and multicast traffic is treated as broadcast traffic across all ports and VLANs.
What are the elements of an IPv6 packet?
An IPv6 packet consists of two or three elements: the main header, which is a fixed length (unlike in IPv4), one or more optional extension headers, and the payload. As with an IPv4 header, there are fields for the source and destination addresses and the version (0110 or 0x06 for IPv6).
What does the arp -a command do?
arp -a (or arp -g ) shows the ARP cache contents. You can use this with IPAddress to view the ARP cache for the specified interface only. The ARP cache will not necessarily contain the MAC addresses of every host on the local segment. There will be no cache entry if there has not been a recent exchange of frames.
What does the arp -s command do?
arp -s IPAddress MACAddress adds an entry to the ARP cache. Under Windows, MACAddress needs to be entered with hyphens between each hex byte.
What does the arp -d command do?
arp -d * deletes all entries in the ARP cache; it can also be used with IPAddress to delete a single entry.
In Linux, what command shows entries in the local ARP cache (replacing the old arp command)?
In Linux, the ip neigh command shows entries in the local ARP cache (replacing the old arp command).
how is an IPv6 address exspressed?
An IPv6 address contains eight 16-bit numbers (double-byte or double-octet), with each double-byte number expressed as 4 hex digits. For example, consider the following binary address:
0010 0000 0000 0001 : 0000 1101 1011 1000 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 : 0000 1010 1011 1100 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 : 1101 1110 1111 0000 : 0001 0010 0011 0100
This binary value can be represented in hex notation as: