Lesson 6 - Muscles of the body Flashcards
What is mastication?
chewing movements
Where are your Deltoids muscle?
The deltoid muscle is the muscle forming the rounded contour of the human shoulder.
It is also known as the ‘common shoulder muscle’
Where are your Rectus Abdominis muscle?
Rectus Abdominis:
A long vertical muscle that covers the abdomen, lying below the flat muscles.
It is split through the midline by the linea alba and separated by horizontal tendinous intersections which give rise to the six pack.
Where are your Serratus Anterior muscle?
Serratus Anterior:
Located in the lateral wall of the chest and is formed of several strips originating from the second to eighth ribs, each of which attaches to the scapula.
The muscle supports the scapula, allowing for elevation of the upper arm.
Where are your Trapezius muscle?
The most superficial muscle of the back and forms a broad flat triangle.
It originates from the skull and spine and attaches to the clavicle and scapula to support the arm and elevate and rotate the scapula.
Where are your Intercostal muscles?
Intercostal muscles:
Form the chest wall and play a key role in respiration.
All intercostal muscles originate on the lower border of a rib and attach to the upper border of the rib below.
Where are your Latissimus Dorsi muscle?
Latissimus Dorsi:
Originates from the lower back and covers a wide area.
The muscle extends, adducts, and medially rotates the upper arm.
Where are your Diaphragm muscle?
Is a large, flat, sheet-like muscle that extends horizontally underneath the rib cage.
The muscle contracts, flattening and increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity aiding respiration.
Where are your External Oblique muscle?
External Oblique:
The largest and most superficial of the abdominal flat muscles.
It originates from the lower ribs and attaches to the pelvis and act to flex, laterally flex, and rotate the trunk.
Where are your Biceps Brachii muscles?
Biceps Brachii: is a two-headed muscle and originates from the scapula and attaches to the fascia of the forearm. The muscle allow sor supination of the forearm. It also flexes the arm at the elbow and at the shoulder.
Where are your Brachialis muscles?
Brachialis: lies within the distal region of the biceps brachii. It originates from the humerus and attaches to the ulna and allows for flexing of the arm at the elbow.
Where are your Triceps Brachii muscles?
Triceps Brachii: is a three-headed muscle that originates from the scapula and the humerus. All three of the muscles converge into one tendon which attaches to the ulna. The muscles allows for extension of the arm at the elbow.
Where are your Brachioradialis muscles?
Brachioradialis: located in the superficial posterior region of the forearm. It originates from the humerus and attaches to the distal end of the radius to flex the forearm at the elbow.
Where are your Palmaris Longus muscles?
Palmaris Longus: a long muscle originating near the elbow and passing through into the wrist for flexion at the wrist.
Where are your Flexor Carpi Radialis muscles?
Flexor Carpi Radialis: a long muscle originating near the elbow and passing through into the wrist for flexion and abduction at the wrist.