LESSON 6 Flashcards
process and pathways through which excess water becomes streamflow’; excess water is that part of the total rainfall amount which runs off the land surface, and that which drains from the soil and is not consumed in evapotranspiration
pathway in which rain falls directly into the stream channel
Channel Interception
pathway in which excess water flows
over the soil surface
Surface Runoff or Overland Water Flow
pathway in which excess water infiltratesinto the soil but then arrives at a stream channel in a short amount period of time
Subsurface Flow or Interflow
sum of channel interception, surface flow and subsurface flow
Direct Runoff or Stormflow
a tabular or graphical representation of streamflow discharge vs time
Streamflow Hydrograph
Precipitation must satisfy the demands of
evaporation, interception, infiltration,
surface storage, surface detention, and
channel detention before runoff can occur.
Runoff Process
Runoff process
- Rainfall Intensity > Infiltration Rate
- Water begins to fill depression on soil surface
- Overland flow begins as depressions are filled
- Build up water on the surface (surface detention) = P - infiltration - interception
- Flow moving into defined channels (Channel Detention)
Factors affecting runoff
- Rainfall
- Watershed
Effects of Rainfall to runoff
duration, intensity and areal distribution
- Duration influences total runoff
- Intensity influences rate and volume of runoff
- Intense storms decreases infiltration rate because of its destructive effect on soil surface
- Areal distribution of rainfall influences rate of infiltration and volume runoff
Effects of watershed to runoff
size, shape, orientation, topography, geology and surface culture
- As watershed size increases, the volume and rate of runoff increases
- As the runoff area increases, the volume and rate of runoff decreases
- Long and Narrow watersheds have low runoff rate
- Runoff is decreases for storms moving upstreams
- Flat areas have low runoff
- Geology, soil materials and vegetation affect infiltration rate, also runoff
- Structures such as dams affects runoff rate
Measurements of Streamflow
- Stage
- Rating curve
- Control Section
Height of water in a stream
Graph of stage and streamwater discharge
Rating Curve
Section of the stream where rating curve will be deployed
Control Section