lesson 5- the oracle at dodona Flashcards
Although less well known, why might the Oracle at Dodona be considered as being of equal importance?
-many people frequently visited the oracle from all over Greece and Italy, just like any other oracle
- it is the oldest oracular sanctuary in Greece.
According to Homer and Hesiod where did the oracular responses come from?
From the rustling leaves of the sacred oak or from doves sitting in the tree
From the 5th century onwards how did someone ask a question of the oracle?
the enquirer would scratch their question onto a lead tablet
Why are the oracular tablets found at the sanctuary of Dodona very informative?
Because they help us understand personal religion and individual concerns during a certain time period
What were the most common questions asked?
which god the enquirer should pray to
What was the oracles most common answer?
a simple yes or no answer, or if the enquirer asked which god they should pray to the oracle would give them a god
What seems to have been the greatest concerns of the enquirers and how do we know?
travel and moving places
what are the issues with having lead tablets as evidence?
Very little context attached to the tablets- who they enquirer was and what answer they received.
List the other issues that people would addressed the oracle about:
-advice on whether to marry a specific woman
-father’s ask whether to marry off their daughters
-women’s value in whether they can bare children or not
-whether someone should marry another woman
-professional successes and careers advice
-slaves would ask about being potentially freed
-personal health
-whether kings, generals and soldiers should undertake a campaign
How do we know that oracular authority was so highly regarded?
-many lead tablets that we have, and people kept going back which suggested that they were satisfied with their answers.