lesson 1- individual experience and the divine Flashcards
What evidence do we have for gods being worshipped at a purely local level?
sacrificial calendars
How were gods and heroes worshipped on a very personal level?
Through mystery cults, healing cults or oracular consultation
What might attract a Greek to a mystery cult, hero cult or particular oracle that was different from public worship?
It was much more personal than a public worship, and you could pray for something much more specific towards you, guidance and communication- Mystery cults also served more personal, individualistic attitudes towards death and the afterlife that other forms of worship couldn’t offer
What was the difference between public worship and the worship at cult shrines?
public worship meant worshipping a god in thanks for what they can done for their community, or praying/asking for something specific for a community, such as praying that a disease outbreak in the city would end, or more yield of crops in the city
What category of ritual does Mystery Cult fall into?
rights of passage
what modern examples of right of passage do we have?
weddings and funerals
What did you undergo as part of the Mystery Cult rituals and why?
Most mystery cults were based on sacred stories that often involved a ritual re-enactment of death of a particular divinity. Because mystery cults involved a re-enactment of death, the first part of the ritual meant you had to undergo death as a rehearsal for your real death in the future
What was the first part of the ritual?
You are subjected to experiences which are terrifying and you have no clue what might happen to you- feelings of fear, suffering and undergoing a rehearsal for your death.
What did you then transition to/experience as you went through the ritual?
Ignorance and suffering to feelings of well being and community when the person undergoing the ritual finally considered that death was a blessing and a good thing
What realisation did mystery cults give people in the ancient world?
death is not a bad thing, but a good thing
What two forms of Mystery Cult were there?
Eleusinian mysteries and dionysian mysteries
Where did the word ‘mystery’ likely come from?
Might be related to the Greek word for an initiate- Mystes
Where could Mysteries be held?
at a public festival in the city
Why did not everyone become a “Mystes’’ automatically?
They had to have undergone a ceremonial initiation into the cult
What did the initiates have to keep a secret?
what they experienced during the ceremony
What did the initiation at Eleusis entail?
Preparation that involved ritual cleansing and fasting, and an individual experience which ended with the revelation of the secret
What does “epopteia” mean?
Revelation of the secret at the end of the Eleusinian mysteries
What promise did the initiation at Eleusis offer to its initiates?
The offer of eternal life in the elysian fields after the initiates death
What was the earliest and most famous example of Mystery Cult?
Why are Mystery Cults so hard to summarise and interpret?
The amount of sources about the actual rituals involved
which mystery cult do we have the most information/ evidence on?
the eleusinian mysteries
What were the benefits of mystery cults?
Following the ritual which involved a rehearsal for the individuals death, mystery cults promised a better afterlife (For example the Eleusinian mysteries promised eternal life in the Elysian fields in the underworld- an area in the underworld where only souls of virtuous, distinguished people could reside). Mystery cults also fostered social bonds between participants
what would happen in the second part of the ritual in a mystery cult?
In the second stage of mystery cult rituals, the initiates would be taken out of the tombs that they were buried in to re-enact death and brought back to life again. This was symbolic of how they could now live forever with the god or hero they had been initiated into (such as Demeter or Dionysus)
what was the Greek word for mystery cult?
‘Mysterion’- if a person went through an initiation they could become a ‘mystes’ meaning initiate