Lesson 5 Flashcards
The Strategic Role of HRM
attract, develop, and maintain an effective workforce. HR must drive organizational performance; it’s the competitive edge.
STRATEGIC APPROACH TO HRM-All managers involved, Employees as assets, Matching Process
HRM helps the right people
To become more competitive on a global basis
✓ For improving quality, innovation, and customer service
✓ To retain during mergers and acquisitions
✓ To apply new information technology for e-business
The Impact of Legislation on HRM
HR managers must stay on top of legal and regulatory environment
Discrimination –the hiring or promotion of applicants based on criteria that are not job related
Equal Opportunities
Sexual harassment
IR Act
Minimum Wage
Innovations in HRM
Becoming an Employer of Choice
Organizations that are highly attractive to potential employees because of HR practices
Using Temporary and Part-Time Employees
Contingent workers are not permanent, maintain flexibility, and keep costs low
Promoting Work/Life Balance
Helping workers lead a balanced life
✓ Part-time work and telecommuting
✓ Flexible scheduling
✓ Gen Y/Millennials demand more work-life balance
✓ Stress Management
✓ EAPs
Recruiting (talent acquisition)
Assessing Organizational Needs: Job Analysis
Job Description
Job Specification
Realistic Job Previews –provide pertinent information; positive and negative
Legal Considerations –recruiting practices must be legal
Innovations in Recruiting:
Traditional Recruitment: advertising, walk-ins, applications
Contemporary: eRecruiting, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media
Selection-Employers assess applicants for a “fit” HR professionals us a combination of devices:
IQ Testing
Personality Testing
Any 3rd Test related to Job
SHRM: b) Managing Talent
Training and Development
On-the-Job Training
Corporate Universities
Promotion from Within
Mentoring and Coaching
Development involves teaching broader skills
Performance Appraisal
Evaluating performance, recording assessment, and providing feedback
Performance Appraisal
Assessing Performance Accurately –system should evaluate relevant performance
Performance-review ranking systems pit employees against each other
Forced Ranking Systems fail
360-degree Feedback –uses multiple raters, including self-rating to appraise employees and development
Performance Evaluation Errors
Stereotyping –placing an employee into a class or category based on a few characteristics
Halo Effect –giving same ratings on all dimensions regardless of differences
Dealing with Error: Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) –rating technique that relates an employee’s performance to specific job-related incidents
Rater Training
SHRM-c) Maintaining An Effective Workforce
Compensation–all monetary payments and all goods or commodities used to reward employees
Wage and Salary Systems
Job-based pay
Skill-based pay/Competency-based pay
Pay for Performance* Benefits
Compensation Equity –fairness and equity Equity Theory
Rightsizing the Organization
Reducing the company’s workforce to the “right” size; also called downsizing
Make company stronger and more competitive
HR must effectively and humanely manage the process
Many organizations use communication and provide assistance to address emotional needs
Union issues
Employees leave voluntarily, retire, are rightsized, and are fired for poor performance
Poor performing employees can be disruptive and cause problems for morale
Exit interviews can be used to learn about dissatisfaction