Lesson 5 Flashcards
What is a metaphor?
A metaphor is a unit of discourse which is used to refer unconventionally to an object, process or concept and it is understood on the basis of similarity, analogy or matching with the conventional referent.
What is similarity or analogy?
It’s the sharing of certain features. We tend to classify the objects of the world according to their salient characteristics or features.
What are the three main elements that take part in a metafore?
1- vehicle: the conventional referent
2- topic: the actual unconventional referent (real referent)
3- ground: the relation of analogy/similarity between the two.
What is a simile?
It’s a subcategory of metaphors featuring an explicit comparison between elements introduced by ‘as’ or ‘like’.
How are metaphors classified?
They are classified according to the degree of conventionality: high conventionality (that is to say dead metaphors, sleeping/tired metaphors and active metaphors) and low conventionality.
What is pragmatics?
It’s a general cognitive social and cultural perspective on linguistic phenomena in relation to their usage in forms of behavior.
What are the main features of pragmatics?
Deixis, presuppositions, speech acts, cooperation and implicatures, politeness and impoliteness.
What are deictics?
There are words with a ‘pointing’ function, which we use to refer to entities or items in a text or in the extralinguistic context.
What are deixis?
Is the function. There are different kinds: personal (I, you, …), Spatial (demonstratives and adverbs), time (adverbs and temporal expressions), social (address and pronouns of address)
What are presuppositions?
It’s something assumed to be the case by the speaker prior to making an utterance, something that is entailed by and logically follows from what is asserted in the utterance.
What are speech acts and implicatures?
It focuses on English spontaneous conversation what we do in conversation is speech acts, how we relate to the interlocutor relates to politeness and impoliteness.
What do you have to analyze in spontaneous conversation?
The register, field, tenor, mode.
All variables are intertwined and act together to result in a specific register.