Lesson 5 Flashcards
Block-level Element,Creates boxes that contribute to the layout of the document. Sections, articles, paragraphs, lists, and images are examples of block-level elements.
Block-level Element
Border,”Surrounds the box itself. A border can be transparent, or it can be colored and have a pattern like a dashed line.”
Content,”Is whatever is displayed in the box, such as text and images.
Flexbox,Offers flexible layouts for UI design.
Flexbox Item,A child box.
Flexbox Item
Flexbox Box Model,Is a layout mode for using flexible boxes in user interfaces. The model is part of the CSS3 draft specification.
Flexbox Box Model
Grid Item,Child elements of a grid.
Grid Item
Grid Layout,Are similar to spreadsheets in that they use columns, rows, and cells, but you can create many different types of layouts that, in the end, don’t look like a spreadsheet at all.
Grid Layout
Grid Layout Model,For more complex layouts. The grid layout model lets you control the design of sections or entire HTML-based documents using CSS3. As the name implies, a grid layout uses rows and columns to make the design look cleaner and structured.
Grid Layout Model
Grid Template,Provides a visualization of the grid element’s structure and defines the grid cells.
Grid Template
Inline Element,Are designed for laying out text and don’t disrupt the flow of the document. Applying boldface and the new HTML5 mark element are examples of inline elements.
Inline Element
Margin,Is transparent and sits at the outermost edge of a box, providing space between the box and other boxes in the document.
Media Queries,Enable you to adapt an HTML document to end-user devices. HTML media element types include aural, braille, handheld, print, projection, screen, tty, and tv.
Media Queries
Padding,Is the space between the border of the box and its content. Padding generally takes on the same color as the box’s background color.
Parent/Child Relationship,Is important to understand when working with the CSS. Essentially, a parent box can contain one or more boxes. The boxes contained within a parent box are referred to as child boxes.
Parent/Child Relationship