Lesson 1 Flashcards
app container
Which means a seprate memory space. An app container prevents corruption of the operating system if the application fails for some reason and enables a user to cleanly uninstall the app.
app package
Is the result of the packaging process. Packaging is similar to archiving a folder that contains files and subfolders.
stores resources like images, HTML pages, CSS files, and JavaScript-data that would ordinarily be stored on the server
application programming interface (API)
Is simply a list of instructions letting a program communicate with another program.
application state
is created when the web browser sends the first request for a web page to the web server and it ends when the user closes the browser
cascading style sheets (CSS)
defines styles for HTML in a separate file, so you can easily change fonts, font sizes, and other attributes in a CSS file and the changes are reflected across all HTML files that reference the CSS file.
Are small text files that contain information about the user and the Web site visited and are saved on the user’s computer.
an application involves detecting, finding, and correcting logical or syntactical errors
involve a single finger (one-touch, such as press, tap, press and hold, slide to pan, and so on) or a finger and a thumb (two-touch such as a pinch and stretch or a turn to rotate).
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
is the language you use to describe Web pages. It is a markup language, not a programming language, which means HTML uses markup tags
Hypertext Transport Protocal (HTTP)
is the protocol that transfers data on the World Wide Web
the latest version of HTML
indentity permission
protects assemblies (complied code libraries) based on evidence or credentials
is a scripting language (a programming language that uses scripts and requires no compiler) that adds interactivity to Web pages.
launcher icon
It represents your app.
is JavaScript methods to deal efficiently with state data
markup language
Uses markup tags such as and <h1> to describe parts of a Web page.</h1>
media queries
a CSS3 feature that detects the users type of screen and sized the output accordingly
Metro-style interface (UI)
The UI used by the latest Microsoft Windows version
A single package can have a lot of functionality. To keep all of the componenets separated so they don’t conflict.
permission sets
are groups of permissisons
persistent state information
is data that an application needs after the session ends
Means you can create apps using the HTML5 family of technologies that can run on different desktop and mobile device operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer, and Windows Phone.
scripting language
A programming
language that uses scripts and requires no compiler.
session state
when a user first requests access to an application the session state is created. the state ends when the user closes the session
session storage
Is a JavaScript method to deal efficiently with state data.
touch event
the action the application takes in response to a gesture
touch-screen simulator or emulator
imitates a system that only has touch capabilities
looks for anything in the code to be interpreted incorrectly
windows runtime (WinRT)
The environment in which developers test their applications, and where users run the apps.
Windows has its own runtime environment.
Windows store
is an online global marketplace for Metro style apps
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
is the main standards body developing specifications for HTML5, which should be finalized in 2014.
are modifiers of HTML elements that provide additional
audio element
enables you to incorporate audio, such as music and other sounds,
in HTML documents
canvas element
is new in HTML5 and creates a container for graphics, and uses
JavaScript to draw the graphics dynamically
enables you to incorporate audio, such as music and other sounds,
in HTML documents
reduces the amount of space needed to store a file, and it
reduces the bandwidth needed to transmit the file.
Removing elements from the
list of available HTML elements
is a declaration that is found at the very top of almost every HTML document
empty tag
they don’t require an end tag.
is a special character, such as the dollar symbol, the registered trademark (a capital
R within a circle), and accented letters.
figcaption element
optional. It adds a caption to an image on a Web page, and you can display the caption before or
after the image.
figure element
It adds a caption to an image on a web page, and you can display the caption before or after the image.
global attribute
can use with any HTML5 element for example: id, lang, and class.
To place one element inside another.
raster image
Is made up of pixels.
It interprets and reproduces the content on the page.
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
enables you to create
scalable objects that resize to best fit the screen on which they’re viewed.
Keywords that help to give an HTML page structure.
If a Web page adheres to the specifications perfectly.
vector images
maintain quality even when enlarged.
video compression
reduces the size of
video images while retaining the highest quality video with the minimum bit rate.
video element
Enables you to incorporate videos in HTML documents using minimal code.