Lesson 4 Flashcards
Absolute Positioning
When an element is removed from its position within the body of a document and placed in a specific position in the display. The top and right hand sides, for example.
Block Flow
Fills as much width as is available.
Bounding Box
A small rectangle that fits all of the word(s) along with the background. CSS styling is expressed in terms of this box
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
A language that defines the style of the HTML elements.
An attribute a web author uses to structure a document with better elements such as paragraph, header, and so on.
The style for a specific selector.
Float Positioning
A useful document type that is in columns, at least in part.
A set of characters of a particular size and style.
Font-Family Property
Can declare a specific font-family such as Garamond, Arial, etc.
Hidden Overflow
Makes overflow invisible.
Inline Flow
Fills only as much width as required.
Technical material such as formulas, numbers, codes, and so on.
A sequence of style specifications.
San Serif
A font style drawn without serifs, such as Arial font.
Scrolling Overflow
When an element overflows its box, and its overflow is set to scroll.
Usually the HTML element you want to style.replaces the placeholder text.
Visible Overflow
Writes over the content that follows it.