Lesson 45 Flashcards
Be rolling in it
Have a lot of money
Be broken
Had no money left
Make ends meet
To survive financially
Things are a bit tight
My finances are not good
Be strapped for cash
Needed cash and had very little
The bank refused to pay it
Make out to / payable to
What name shall I put on it
Direct debit
A regular automatic payment, e.g. every month
Electronic transfer
Movement of money online between two bank accounts
Annual percentage rate of interest
Expires in/on
Is not valid after
Credit card fraud
Illegal use of someone’s card or account
Debit card
Card where the money is taken directly from your bank account
Store card
Credit card issued by a store/shop for that store
Withdraw / get some money out
Take money from my account
Personal identification number
Automated teller machine, often just called a ‘cash machine’ or ‘cashpoint’
Lump sum
Single, large payment
Golden handshake
Large payment to someone on leaving a job
Share portfolios
Combination of investments of different kinds
Stock market
Organization which controls the buying or selling of parts of the ownership of companies
Stocks and shares
Parts of the ownership of companies which people buy as investments in the hope of making a profit
Life savings
Money saved over many years
Official statement of what a person has decided should be done with their money and property after their death
Be enough money to pay for it