Lesson 12 Flashcards
Thirst / have a thirst for
Feel very strongly that you want
Carve / have a carving for
Want very strongly
Yearn to
If you yearn to do / yearn for / have yearn for something, it means that you want something that you do not have and often can never have
To covet something means to want to process it very much
Make a dangerous or tense situation calmer
Stop someone feeling angry
End a disagreement between two people or groups by acting in a friendly way towards both sides
End a disagreement by giving the other side an advantage that they are demanding
Feeling great pleasure and happiness, usually because of a success
to rejoice
Be extremely happy
Expressing great happiness, especially at a victory
Prefect happiness
Full of the joys of spring
Very happy
Thrill to bits
Very happy
Feel on top of the world
Very happy
Floating / walking on air
Very happy
Over the moon
Very happy