Lesson 4: Why Should we care about Coral Reefs? Flashcards
Unit 1
How are coral reefs formed?
Polyps secret calcium carbonate shells, which become coral
reefs—>become limestone rock
Degradation & Decline
- Coastal Development
- Pollution
- Overfishing
Physical reaction- warmer oceans lead to coral bleaching that kills algae, thus the polyps.
Chemical reaction- Increasing ocean acidity: CO2 dissolves into ocean water producing H+ ions that cause coral decay.
Ocean is divided into 4 areas?
- Atlantic
- Pacific
- Artic
- Indian
Factors of Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Precipitation
- Temperature
- Climateographs
Factors of Aquatic Ecosystems
- Light
- Salinity
- Dissolved oxygen (DO)
Aquatic life zones
- Oceans & estuaries
- Coastal & shorelines –> wetlands
- Coral reefs
- Mangrove forests
Freshwater life zones
- Lakes
- Rivers & streams
- Inland wetlands
Phytoplankton —> bottom of the food chain.
Primary & Secondary consumers
Tiny photosynthetic bacteria
Strong swimmers:
- Fish
- Turtles
- Whales
Bottom dwellers:
- Oysters
- Sea stars
- Clams
- Lobsters
- Crabs
Mostly bacteria that break down dead organisms.
Key Factors in the Distribution of Organisms
- Temperature
- Dissolved oxygen content (DO)
- Availability of Food
- Availability of light & nutrients
- Salinity
Degree of cloudiness in water
- It inhibits photosynthesis
Where rivers meet the sea
Seawater mixes with freshwater
Three vertical zones of Open Sea
Euphotic zone
- phytoplankton
Bathyal zone
- Dimly lit
- zooplankton & smaller fish
Abyssal zone
- Dark & cold
Major threats to Marine systems
Coastal development
Runoff of nonpoint source pollution
Point source pollution
Habitat destruction
Invasive species
Meaning of Lentic and Lotic bodies of freshwater
Lentic- standing bodies of water like lakes, ponds, and inland wetlands.
Lotic- flowing bodies of water like streams & rivers.
What are the 4 Lake zones
Littoral zone
- shallow, near-shore area
Linnetic zone
- open sunlight areas away from shore
Profundal zone
- deep water, low oxygen levels, some fish
Benthic zone
- decomposers, some fish, nourished mostly by dead matter