Lesson 4 - Social Learning Theory Flashcards
Social Learning Theory Assumption
• Behaviour learned through experience
-specifically through observation and imitation within social context
Modelling definition
• Models carry out behaviour
- live model - parent, teacher, peer
- symbolic model - someone from media
Imitation Definition
Behaviour acquired by people through copying behaviour modelled by others
Identification Definition
• The extent the observer relates to the model
-Eg same sex
• Experience same outcomes as model
Vicarious Reinforcement Definition
- Individuals learn by observing the behaviour of others and the reward and punishment they receive
- Individuals don’t need to experience the reward/punishment directly in order to learn new behaviours
Meditational Processes
• Attention
-notice the model’s behaviour
• Retention
-remember the model’s behaviour
• Motor Reproduction
-observer is able to perform model’s behaviour
• Motivation
-observer has a reason to perform model’s behaviour
BOBO doll experiment PPs & aims
- 36 male & 36 female children
- 3-7 years old
- Observed adult model being aggressive/non-aggressive to a BOBO doll
- Tested for imitative learning in absence of model
BOBO doll experiment conditions 1
- Half children watched adult model be aggressive
- Half children watched adult model do opposite
BOBO doll experiment conditions 2
• Aggressive model displayed physical aggression
- striking with mallet
- yelling ‘POW’
BOBO doll experiment conditions 3
- Children were then made to feel frustrated
- Shown attractive toys but weren’t allowed to play with them
BOBO doll experiment conditions 4
- Children (one by one) taken to room which had toys including BOBO doll
- Observed for 20 minutes
BOBO doll experiment Findings 1
- Children who observed aggressive model reproduced aggressive behaviour to BOBO doll
- Children who didn’t observe aggressive model weren’t aggressive to BOBO doll
BOBO doll experiment Findings 2
- 33% of children who observed and heard verbal aggression repeated what they had seen and heard
- 0% of children in the non aggressive group displayed verbal aggression
BOBO doll experiment Findings 3
• Boys were more aggressive than girls
• Imitation of aggression was greatest when model was same sex as observer
BOBO doll experiment Conclusion
• Aggression can be learned through social learning
- Meditational processes
- Observation
- Modelling
- Identification
- Vicarious reinforcement
Social Learning Theory Strengths
(Albert Bandura 1961)
• Recognises importance of behavioural & cognitive factors (mediational processes)
- when examining how people learn behaviours
- unlike behaviourist approach (classical and operant conditioning)
• Less determinist than behaviourist approach
-explanation includes concept of free
- Bandura emphasises reciprocal determinism
- ability to exert influence on external environment
Social Learning Theory Weaknesses
(Albert Bandura 1961)
• Not able to explain learning of abstract notions
- Eg fairness, justice etc
- cannot be observed directly
• Doesn’t take into account cause & effect
- Studies found young people who have deviant attitudes seek out peers with similar attitudes
- rather than becoming deviant because of their peers
• Behaviour seen as environmentally determined
- ignores role of biology in behaviour
- Bandura (1961) found boys more aggressive than girls regardless of experimental situation
- Might be because of testosterone, thus biologically determined