Lesson 4 Prepositions Flashcards
Dativ form is used for the indirect object
When these prepositions describe a static location
Akkusativ form is used for the direct object
When they show movement from or towards a location
form is used for the subject of a sentence
Determining Case Questions
Who or what is doing the action in the sentence?- The answer to this question will give you the subject (Nominativ).
What is being made, given, done (any verb) in the sentence?- The answer to this question will give you the direct object (Akkusativ).
To whom or for whom is it being done?-
The answer to this question will give you the indirect object (Dativ).
Long pronunciation
used when there are two vowels together in a word, when a vowel is followed by just one consonant, and when a vowel is followed by an “h”.
Short pronunciation
used when a vowel is followed by two consonants.