Lesson 4- Learning approach- Social Learning theory & Bandura’s research Flashcards
What is the social learning theory?
Social learning theory- new 🏃♂ acquired/learnt by observing 🏃♂ from others
Who investigated the social learning theory & when did they do so?
Bandura (1977)
Outline the 4 elements to Bandura’s social learning theory
1) Modelling
2) Imitation
3) Identification
4) Vicarious reinforcement
How can you easily remember the 4 elements to Bandura’s social learning theory?
State the modelling aspect
- Social learning- requires person to model 🏃♂ for it to be learnt by observer- live (e.g. friend) symbolic (e.g. 📺 character)
State the imitation aspect
- 👶 learn 🏃♂ modelled by significant others via imitation- ⬆️ rapid⚡️ than CC or OC conditioning
- 🔑 characteristics of successful imitation includes:
A) Characteristics of model (age, gender etc)
B) Observers ability to perform 🏃♂ shown
C) Observed consequence of 🏃♂ (➕/➖)
State the identification aspect
- Extent to which observer relates to model (similarities between observer & model) … experience same outcomes as model
- 👶 ⬆️ likely identify with model of same sex for social learning to be effective
State the vicarious reinforcement aspect
Vicarious reinforcement:
- 👶 who observed model getting rewarded for 🏃♂- ⬆️ likely to imitate 🏃♂ (➕ reinforcement) compared to 👶 who observed model being punished for showing 🏃♂ (punishment)
What is crucial in terms of mediational processes for the observer to carry out the behaviour?
Observer must form mental representation of 🏃♂ being displayed by model & likely consequences of 🏃♂ in terms of expectancies
What are the 4 mediational processes?
A) Attention- Observer must pay attention and & notice model 🏃♂
B) Retention- Observer must remember model’s 🏃♂
C) Motor reproduction- Observer must be able to perform 🏃♂
D) Motivation- Observer willing to perform 🏃♂ due to ➕ consequences/reinforcement (rewards)
How can you easily remember the 4 mediational processes?
What are the evaluation points for the social learning theory Bandura?
👎- Social learning theory ignores biological approach or role of genetics causing ppl to behave in certain ways- e.g. Bandura found that boys 👨 ⬆️ aggressive than girls 👩 … could be due to hormone testosterone- Social Learning Theory ignores this
👍- provided great understanding of how criminal 🏃♂ learnt- Akers (1998) found criminals engaged in ⬆️ criminal 🏃♂ when exposed to model which they can identify with e.g. same gender/age range- ALSO- If model receives ➕ outcome for crime (rewards)-> ⬆️ likelihood that observer commits crime (vicarious reinforcement)
👍- research support- found that ⬆️ associations with delinquent peers-> ⬆️ likelihood of delinquent (minor wrongdoer) 🏃♂ in young ppl via learning poor 🏃♂
BUT ✖️ assume that delinquency is caused by social learning theory alone- other factors e.g. poor attitudes that person held before started interacting delinquent peer group could ALSO cause delinquent 🏃♂
👍- gives ⬆️ comprehensive view of human learning when compared to OC & CC- social learning theory recognises importance of both behavioural 🏃♂ & cognitive 🧠 factors (meditational processes) when examining how ppl learn new 🏃♂
What study did Bandura conduct on the social learning theory & when did he do so?
Bobo doll experiment (1961)
What was Bandura’s method in the Bobo doll experiment?
1) Bandura conducted observational study with 36 👨 & 36 👩 👶 aged 4-5 years
2) 👶 observed either aggressive 😡 /✖️ aggressive 😡 👨/👩 model interacting with bobo doll
3) 1 condition- 😡 model displayed 😡 acts towards bobo doll (striking it with mallet & shouting verbally aggressive words e.g. “POW!”)
4) 👶 ALSO made to feel frustrated after 👀 😡 acts by being shown attractive toys BUT told ✖️ allowed to play with them
5) 👶 (one by one) taken to room which had toys including bobo doll, mallet, dart 🔫 & non-aggressive toys too- 👶 observed 👀 for 20 min
What was Bandura’s findings in the Bobo doll experiment?
6) 👶 who 👀 😡 model reproduced same 😡 🏃♂ towards bobo doll WHEREAS 👶 who 👀 ✖️ 😡 model showed ✖️ aggression to bobo doll
7) 33% of 👶 who 👀 & heard 👂 verbal aggression repeated 🏃♂ e.g. “POW!” BUT 0% of 👶 in ✖️ 😡 group displayed verbal aggression
8) Follow up study- 👶 observed model being rewarded for 😡 🏃♂-> ⬆️ likelihood that 👶 also aggressive towards bobo doll
9) Boys 👨 ⬆️ aggressive than girls 👩 & imitation of aggression greatest when model same gender as observer
What are the evaluation points for Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment on Social Learning Theory?
👎- use of bobo doll in Bandura’s experiment criticised- bobo doll meant to be hit & thrown about in 😡 manner because it “bounces back” into same position … results gained from Bandura’s study ✖️ tell us much about social learning 🏃♂- replaces with another toy e.g. 🧸
👍- laboratory setting … study ⬆️ controlled- ensures IV (👀 model behave aggressively) has effect on DV (learning & aggression levels)- ALSO ensures study ⬆️ reliable & results replicable
👎- ethical issues- 👶 should be protected from psychological harm BUT being taught to be ⬆️ 😡- ➖ impacts in real life e.g. hit toys & others-> punishment- ALSO- 👶 may inflict harm on others- 👶 should’ve been debriefed after study- ensures know true aim, purpose & implications of social learning theory
👍- very good evidence for social learning theory- … informs us to be aware of role of media (e.g. TV & video games) on young 👶 as very easily influenced by what they 👀 on 📺 etc. & might imitate ➖/😡 🏃♂