Lesson 4 Immune responce part 1 Flashcards
Which microbe is single celled?
Which microbe is the simplest?
abouy 10,000 bacteria is on how much of our body?
1 square inch
What are hidden or latent viruses?
Viurses that hang around in the body for a while . Illnesses can be delayed for weeks, months or years
What happens when you get infected by an ACTIVE virus?
You get sick fast
What are characteristics of viruses?
- Microscopic
- Nonliving
- Invade and reproduce inside a host
What part of the virus has to enter the cell inorder for it to take over?
The head of the virus
What are chartceristics of bacteria?
- Single celled
- Lack membrane bound nuclei
- Bound my a cell wall\
- Only have DNA
- Living
What are ways bacteria are classified?
- Gram staining
- Shape (spherical, rod) (Included in name of the illeness)
- Form of respiration (aerobic or anaerobic)
How fast can bacteria multiply?
2-3 times per hour (about every 20 minutes)
What does bacteria need to stay alive?
- Food
- Air
- Space
What is antibiotic resistance?
When mutations occure. Examples are Staph and MRSA (Super bug)
What are nosocomical infections?
Foun din health care facilitys
What are vector mediated infections?
Infection that requires contact with a vector. (malaria from a mosquito bite)
What are non mediated infections?
Infections spread from person to person