Lesson 2 Pharmacology Flashcards
Drugs can be classified in what ways?
- Their chemistry
- Based on the mechanism of its action (therapeutic affects)
- Based on their legal calssifications (OTR, Rx, Controlled substance)
What are the charcteristics of a OTC drug?
- No Rx required
- Contains lower dosage
- Contains multiple active ingredients in the the same dosage
What are the charcteristics of a prescription (Rx) drugs?
- Greater risk of adverse effects
- Requires monitoring
- Restricted use (time)
- Rx needed
- Specifically authorized by the prescriber
What are the abuse potentials for scheduled drugs?
Schedule I (1)= highest potential for abuse
Schedule V (5)= Lowes potential for abuse
What are the restrictive requirements for scheduled drugs?
- Distribution
- Storage
- Recorded keeping
Example of schedule I drug?
- Heroin
- Marijuana
Example of schedule II drug?
Example of schedule III drug?
- Anabolic steroids
- Codeine with acetaminophen or asprin
- Hydrocosone with acetaminophen
Example of schedule IV drug?
- Alprazolam (Xanax)
- Flurazepam (Dalmane)
Example of schedule V drug?
- Cough mixtures containing codeine
- Antidirrheal mixtures
What are analgecsics drugs used for?
Decrease pain perception
What are examples of anti-inflammatories drugs?
- Acetysalicylic
- Voltaren
- Anaprox
What are examples of anti-fungal drugs?
- Nizarol
- Fungizone
- Moconazole
What are examples of anti-biotic drugs?
- Penicillin
- Tatracycline
- E-mycin
What are Enteral ways of drugs entering the body?
- Oral
- Sublingual
- Rectal
- Buccal
What are Parenteral ways of drugs entering the body?
- Inhalation
- Injection
- Topical or transdermal application
What is sublingual medication administrations and what is the benefit to it?
- Placing easily dissolved agents under the tounge
- Safe from the 1st pass effect (immediatily suck up medication into the blood vessels and works very fast)
Define Pharmacology.
The effect of drugs on the body and the effect of the body on drugs
Define Pharmacokinetics.
Study of the FACTORS that affect the time course of drug events. (rate at which drugs take effect, absrobed, distributed, metabolized and eliminated)
What is Pharacodynamics
The process of determining the site in which drugs act and the mechanisms in which this action occurs
Pharmacokinetic drug sequence
- Absorption
- Distribution
- Metabolism
- Excretion
What is a drug vehicle?
The inactive substance that transports the drug
What are factors of drug absorption example?
Take with water or food
What is bioavailability?
How much of the drug actually reaches its target. (100mg of the drug was taken but on 50mg reached its target)
What is the first pass effect?
Says that any medication will be filtered (weakened) by our liver before it goes to our blood.
What are the drug plasma concentration levels?
- Toxic levels (adverse effects)
- Therapeutic levels
- Subtherapeutic levels
Factors that can affect drug distrubution?
- Tissue permeability
- Blood flow
- Binding to plasma proteins or subcellualr components
What effect will excercise have on oral drugs?
It will be diminished due to decreased blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract
What effect will excercise have on skin and muscle drugs?
It will increase absorption due to increased blood flow in these areas
What effect will excercise have on drugs cleared by the kidneys?
Duration of drug will be increased due to diminished clearance by this route.
How will light or heavy excercise affect the stomach.
- Light excercise will decrease stomach emptying times and the drugs will just sit in the stomach
- Heavy excercise will increse stomach emptying times and the drug will be excreted faster
What is biotransforamtion?
When a drug is transformed for its original active form to inactive form
Where does drug metabolism mostly occure?