Lesson 4 FINALS Flashcards
It is composed of numerous living organisms, from the minute to the largest creatures, and is composed of several species or groups. These organisms interact with one another and with non-living things.
_________ and _________ are the two fundamental sciences that generate information to fully understand the importance of biodiversity for our survival
Taxonomy and Ecology
What do we get from biodiversity?
-Sources of food and energy in addition clean water and air.
-Source of raw materials for industrial activities
-Natural services like water purification, soil fertility, waste disposal, pest control and aesthetic pleasure.
-Discovery and use of plants as medicines, microorganisms as sources of antibiotics and marine animals for various compounds of industrial use.
What are the 3 components of biodiversity
Genetic Diversity
Species Diversity
Ecosystem Diversity
refers to the variation in the genes of a species.
Genetic Diversity
These are segments of DNA that dictate the traits of an organism.
refers to the variation in the number of species.
Species Diversity
This involves a combination of species richness and species evenness in an area.
Species Diversity
refers to the variety of biotic communities, habitats, and ecosystems.
Ecosystem Diversity
is a self-contained community of living organisms that interact with each other and with their physical environment.
What are the two classification of ecosystem?
Aquatic ecosystems
Terrestrial ecosystem
The survival of organisms depends on a variety of non-living or abiotic factors, such as air, water, temperature, humidity, pH, light intensity, and current.
Ecosystem Diversity
It is considered a biodiversity hotspot and attracts tourists and scientists to examine its natural resources.
Philippines or Philippines Biodiversity
____________, being a tropical and archipelagic country, has very rich and diverse flora and fauna.
The Philippines
Allowing the public to observe our treasures is an advantage to our local economy, but it can lead to the eventual disturbance and exploitation of natural resources, especially if they are not given protection.
Philippines Biodiversity
What are the threats to biodiversity
Habitat Destruction
Invasive Alien Species
Global Warming and Climate Change
Biodiversity Exploitation
It is a process where the natural habitat becomes incapable of supporting its native species.
Habitat Destruction
Urbanization, reconstruction of the areas into a park, agricultural land development, habitat fragmentation, river damming, deforestation, and the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer can cause alteration or ______________.
Habitat Destruction
It is a condition in which there is an unnatural increase in the concentrations of environmental compounds such as agricultural waste, sewage, and particulates that cause an unfavorable environment for the survival of organisms.
Even too much light can be a _______
Pollutant or Pollution
It destroyed the habitats of different marine and terrestrial organisms.
It includes exotic species introduced accidentally or deliberately to a place that is not part of their natural habitat.
Invasive Alien Species
It can disrupt the native ecosystem of the native organisms.
Invasive Alien Species
They may infect, compete, eat, or mate with the native species.
Alien Species or Invasive Alien Species
The gradual increase in the world’s temperature also threatens biodiversity. This can alter environmental conditions.
Global Warming and Climate Change
It entails the meltdown of icebergs that leads to sea level rise, an increase in the amount of rainfall, too much heat, frequent grass and forest fires, and changes in sea temperature.
Global Warming
Some species may be lost if they are unable to adapt to these changes.
Global Warming and Climate Change
It refers to the unsustainable use or harvesting of natural resources
Biodiversity Exploitation
Any form of abuse of flora and fauna threatens biodiversity.
Biodiversity Exploitation
_________ may threaten their proliferation. Gathering these endangered ones for trading is an act punishable by law.
This poses the greatest threat to biodiversity.
As the population increases, the demand for all human needs and wants also increases. As demand increases, the need for our natural resources also increases. We are at the point where we get too much from the environment but do not contribute to its replacement
This can be prevented through appropriate research, government legislation, education and awareness, and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Diversity Loss
There are very few researches that focus on the biodiversity of various organisms.
Conserving Biodiversity
The sustainable use of biodiversity should be given emphasis.
Conserving Biodiversity
Education and awareness activities have started and are being done continuously. Community-based programs are also initiated to help conserve biodiversity. People involve themselves in conservation projects.
Conversing Biodiversity
Implementation of laws and orders to save biodiversity. These laws never forget preserving the wellness and betterment of our nature.
Conversing Biodiversity
It is how the genetic composition of species changes over time.
Evolution may be ____________ or a ____________.
It is the evolution between species levels
It is the type of evolution that gives rise to new species or larger groups, such as new genera, families, classes, or phyla.
It may happen through artificial selection or natural selection.
humans determine which individuals breed, as exemplified by the specific crops that are bred and varieties that come out.
Artificial Selection
the environment determines which organisms survive and perpetuate.
Natural Selection
By ____________, individuals vary, and variations could be inherited. The variations may confer advantages on the next generation so that the individual have better capacity to adapt and survive.
Natural Selection
is the dying out or termination of a species.
This occurs due to environmental forces like climate change, habitat fragmentation, and overexploitation, or because of evolutionary changes in their members like inbreeding, poor reproduction, superior competition, and a decline in the population.
What are the technologies-driven threats to extinction
Ozone Layer Depletion through CFCS
Usage of Fossil Fuels Leading to Global Warming and Climate Change
Nuclear War and Nuclear Contamination
Petroleum-based Fertilizer
Habitat Destruction
It is found in the stratosphere, protects the Earth against harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
Ozone Layer
Refers to the thinning of Earth’s ozone layer caused by the release of ozone-depleting substances such as CFCs.
Ozone Layer Depletion or Ozone Depletion
It increases the risks of skin cancer, eye cataracts, and a weak immune system.
Ozone Depletion
is a global agreement that addresses the destruction of the ozone layer.
The Montreal Protocol
It cuts down on the production and usage of ozone-depleting substances in order to lessen their amount in the atmosphere, thus protecting the Earth’s ozone layer.
The Montreal Protocol
refers to the rise in Earth’s temperature.
Global Warming
It is primarily caused by human activities, specifically the burning of fossil fuels.
Global Warming
It refers to coal, crude oil, and natural gas that were formed from the fossilized remains of organisms.
Fossil Fuel
Burning ________ generates the energy needed for vehicles, houses, and businesses.
Fossil Fuels
Using _______ releases a large amount of carbon, which contributes to the heat-trapping gases present in the atmosphere.
Fossil Fuels
Increasing greenhouse gases will lead to global warming, and global warming will result in __________.
Climate Change
It describes the long-term changes in climate due to continuous warming of the Earth.
Climate Change
This involves the use of nuclear weapons, which will cause radiation contamination
Nuclear Wars
This may affect thousands of people, resulting in cancer, birth defects for pregnant individuals, and ARS
Nuclear Wars
What is the meaning of ARS
Acute Radiation Syndrome
It also destroys infrastructure and may contaminate an ecosystem for a long period of time.
Nuclear War and Nuclear Contamination
The use of petroleum-based fertilizer may lead to ________.
is a process that occurs in bodies of water because of the increasing nutrients (such as nitrogen and phosphorus) that stimulate the growth of algae and result in oxygen depletion. Since aquatic organisms also need oxygen in order to breathe, other organisms that live in the water end up dying because of too much algae.