Lesson 4: Deviation From Ideal Mental Health Flashcards
Background and definition of Deviation from Ideal Mental Health
- Humanist approach of motivation and self development e.g Hierarchy of needs
- Abnormality is the lack of contented existence, so people who deviate from having an ideal mental health could be classed as abnormal
- Humans should strive to achieve goals in order to self actualise. Abnormality occurs when a person fails to achieve those goals.
- Concepts of abnormality and normality are too vague and general
Who created this model and what were the criteria?
- Marie Jahoda made 6 criteria that all need to be fulfilled at the same time to be classed as normal.
- Autonomy: Showing independence + being able to make your own decisions
- Perception of Reality: Do not distort their perception of reality + show empathy and social sensitivity to others
- Personal Growth: Self actualisation + Becoming the person you want to be
- Integration: Self attitude + Personal growth, Being able to cope well in stressful situations
- Environmental Mastery: Successful and well adapted, ability to love, efficient problem solving + capacity for adjustment
- Self Attitudes: High self esteem + strong sense of identity
Give examples of a normal person not following this criteria
Autonomy: Peer pressure (to drink)
Perception of Reality: Lucid dreaming/ Being mean or rude (not being empathetic and purposely distorting reality)
Personal Growth: Failing a test (to get into med school, unable to strive for goals)
Integration: Close relative died (can’t handle the stress)
Environmental Mastery: Introverted personality/ Just finished Uni (not successful or good interpersonal skills)
Self Attitudes: Break up (low self esteem)
Evaluation of Deviation from Ideal Mental Health (-)
- 1) Problematic as criteria are abstract (not scientific) and difficult to measure. How much of one criteria do we need to be normal?
- 2) Very few people can achieve all 6 criteria at any one time.
- Impossible to be normal, so ‘normal’ = ‘abnormal’. Theory is too strict
Evaluation of Deviation from Ideal Mental Health (+)
- 1) Viewed as positive and productive
- Focuses on optimal criteria that people should aim for to be psychologically healthy.
- 2) Highlights and targets areas of dysfunction patients can work on. E.g people that have depression can have low ‘self attitude’ and work on it