Lesson 4 Assignment (L4.1) - THE SKELETAL SYSTEM Flashcards
Pertaining to originating from a different origin, as in a transplant of tissue from a matching donor but not of the individual (recipient).
all/o = difference from genic = pertaining to formation, producing
ankylosing spondylitis
A type of arthritis that affects the vertebral column and causes deformities of the spine.
ankyl/o = stiff spondyl/o = spine, vertebra -itis = inflammation
The surgical fusion of a joint.
arthr/o = joint -desis = binding or surgical fusion
articular cartilage
Thin layer of cartilage that covers the ends of the long bones and the surfaces of the joints.
bone depressions
Concave, indented areas or openings in bones.
bone markings
Specific features of individual bones.
bone processes
Projections or outgrowths of bones.
cancellous bone
Spongy bone, not as dense as compact bone.
cervical vertebrae
Vertebrae or bones of the neck, C1 through C7.
cervic/o = neck -al = pertaining to
compact bone
Hard outer shell of bone.
Knucklelike projection at the end of a bone.
Inflammation of the rib cartilage of the anterior chest wall; characterized by pain and tenderness in the area.
cost/o = ribs chondr/o = cartilage -itis = inflammation
Distinct border or ridge, as in iliac crest.
Main shaftlike portion of a bone.
epiphyseal line
A layer of cartilage that separates the diaphysis from the epiphysis of a bone; also known as the epiphyseal plate.
The end of a bone.
false ribs
Rib pairs 8 through 10, which connect to the vertebrae in the back but not to the sternum in the front, because they join the seventh rib in the front.
A groove or depression in a bone; a sulcus.
flat bones
Bones that are broad and thin with flat or curved surfaces, such as the sternum.
floating ribs
Rib pairs 11 and 12, which connect to the vertebrae in the back but are free of any attachment in the front.
fontanelle or fontanel
Space between the bones of an infant’s cranium; “soft spot”
Hole in a bone through which blood vessels or nerves pass.