Lesson 2 Assignment (L2.1) -SUFFIXES Flashcards
(a is a noun ending)
cyanoderma (skin with a bluish discoloration)
Note: When a is used as a suffix, it is a noun ending; a can also be used as a prefix.
pertaining to
cardiac (pertaining to the heart)
toward, increase
caudad (toward the tail or end of the body)
pertaining to
duodenal (pertaining to the duodenum)
sensitivity to pain
analgesia (without sensitivity to pain)
cephalalgia (pain in the head; a headache)
pertaining to
ventricular (pertaining to the ventricle)
pertaining to; relating to
pulmonary (pertaining to the lungs)
something that…
hemolysate (something that results from hemolysis)
embryonic stage of development
leukoblast (immature white blood cell)
swelling or herniation
cystocele (herniation or protrusion of the urinary bladder through the wall of the vagina)
surgical puncture
amniocentesis (surgical puncture of the amniotic sac to remove fluid for laboratory analysis; an obstetrical procedure)
to kill; to destroy
spermicide (chemical substance that kills spermatozoa)
crushing or breaking up
osteoclasis (the intentional surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity)
leukocyte (white blood cell)
binding or surgical fusion
arthrodesis (fixation of a joint by a procedure designed to accomplish fusion of the joint surfaces)
cephalodynia (pain in the head; a headache)
(e is a noun ending)
dermatome (instrument used to cut the skin; i.e., thin slices of skin for grafting)
pertaining to
esophageal (pertaining to the esophagus)
stretching or dilation
gastrectasia (stretching or dilation of the stomach)
stretching or dilation
gastrectasis (stretching or dilation of the stomach)
surgical removal
appendectomy (surgical removal of the appendix)
blood condition
hyperglycemia (blood condition in which there is a higher than normal level of glucose in the blood; high blood sugar)
one who
radiographer (one who takes and processes X-rays)
condition of
enuresis (condition of urinary incontinence)
that which generates
glycogen (“that which generates sugar”)
generating; formation
lithogenesis (the formation of stones)
pertaining to formation; producing
lithogenic (pertaining to the formation of stones)
record or picture
electrocardiogram (record of the electrical activity of the heart)
an instrument used to record
electrocardiograph (instrument used to record the electrical activity of the heart)
process of recording
electrocardiography (the process of recording the electrical activity of the heart)
multigravida (a woman who has been pregnant more than once; “many pregnancies”)
condition (ia is a noun ending)
paraplegia (condition of paralysis of the lower half of the body)
specialist in a field of study
geriatrician (specialist in the field of study of the aging)
presence of an abnormal condition
cholelithiasis (abnormal presence of gallstones in the gallbladder)
relating to medicine, physicians, or medical treatment
pediatrics (field of medicine that deals with children)
one who treats; a physician
pediatrician (physician who treats children)
one who treats; a physician
psychiatrist (specialist in the study, treatment, and prevention of mental illness)
medical treatment, medical profession
psychiatry (field of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness)
pertaining to
thoracic (pertaining to the thorax)
pertaining to (-cial is the combination of ic + al)
neurological (pertaining to the study of nerves)
specialist in a field of study
obstetrician (specialist in the field of study of pregnancy and childbirth)
pertaining to; capable
febrile (pertaining to fever)
action; process
conduction (process in which heat is transferred from one substance to another)
hirsutism (condition of excessive body hair in a masculine distribution pattern)
pharmacist (practitioner who is licensed to prepare and dispense medications)
appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix)
to make; to treat or combine with
anesthetize (to induce a state of anesthesia; to make one “feelingless”)
seizure, attack
narcolepsy (seizure or sudden attack of sleep)
rhinolith (stone or calculus in the nose)
presence or formation of stones
cholelithiasis (presence of gallstones)
the study of
biology (the study of living things)
one who specializes in the study of
biologist (one who specializes in the study of living things)
destruction or detachment
dialysis (removal or detachment of certain elements from the blood or lymph by passing them through a semipermeable membrane)
keratolytic (agent used to destroy hardened skin)
a mental disorder; a “madness”
megalomania (mental disorder characterized by delusions of grandeur; the patient believes he or she is someone of great importance)
cardiomegaly (enlargement of the heart)
an instrument used to measure
pelvimeter (instrument used to measure the diameter and capacity of the pelvis)
the process of measuring
pelvimetry (the process of measuring the dimensions of the pelvis)
mucoid (resembling mucus)
small or little
arteriole (smallest branch of the arterial circulation; a “small” artery)
lipoma (fatty tumor)
visual condition
myopia (a condition of nearsightedness)
visual condition
hemianopsia (blindness in one half of the visual field)
process of viewing
biopsy (removal of a small piece of living tissue from an organ or part of the body for “viewing” under a microscope)
pertaining to; characterized by
auditory (pertaining to hearing)
cyanosis (condition of blueness)
pertaining to
venous (pertaining to veins)
adenopathy (disease of a gland)
decrease in; deficiency
leukocytopenia (decrease in the number of white blood cells)
surgical fixation
colpopexy (surgical fixation of a relaxed vaginal wall)
attraction to
necrophilia (abnormal attraction to dead bodies)
abnormal fear
necrophobia (fear of death and dead bodies)
formation or development
hyperplasia (excessive formation or development)
surgical repair
rhinoplasty (surgical repair of the nose in which the structure of the nose is changed)
hemiplegia (paralysis of half of the body, of one side of the body)
dyspnea (difficulty breathing)
drooping or prolapse
colpoptosis (prolapse of the vagina)
excessive flow or discharge
gastrorrhagia (bursting for of blood from the stomach)
nephrorrhaphy (operation of suturing the kidney)
discharge; flow
rhinorrhea (flow or drainage from the nose)
arteriorrhexis (rupture of an artery)
an instrument used to view
ophthalmoscope (instrument used to view the interior of the eye)
the process of viewing with a scope
ophthalmoscopy (the process of using an ophthalmoscope to view the interior of the eye)
stopping or controlling
hemostasis (stopping or controlling the flow of blood)
venostasis (the trapping or “standing still” of blood in an extremity)
the surgical creation of a new opening
colostomy (surgical creation of a new opening between the colon and surface of the body)
pertaining to
cyanotic (pertaining to blueness)
process of
relaxation (the process of reducing tension, as when a muscle relaxes after contraction)
incision into
phlebotomy (incision into a vein)
intentional crushing
lithotripsy (the crushing of a stone in the bladder; may be accomplished by ultrasound or by laser)
small, little
macula (small pigmented spot that appears separate from surrounding tissue)
“small one”
venule (smallest vein that collects blood from a capillary)
a suffix that identifies singular pronouns
duodenum (first part of the small intestines)
a characteristic of the urine
hematuria (presence of blood in the urine)
a suffix that identifies singular nouns
coccus (singular bacterium)
condition; process (noun ending)
myopathy (abnormal condition of the muscles)