- Refers to a number of different author or company creations for which a set of exclusive rights are recognized under law
Intellectual property
● Logo, Taglines
● A brand corporate name, or distinctive symbol that identifies the seller’s brand and this differentiates it from the brands of other sellers.
Intellectual Property Code
● R.A 8923
● Protects intellectual property rights
Registration and protection of trademarks, trade names, and service marks.
● R.A 166
● Providing remedies and other purposes
● Protection of URLs
● Gives an organization the exclusive right to use or reproduce original works, such as advertisements or package design, for a specified period of time.
Copyright Protection
Intellectual Property Code
● R.A. 8293
● Commonly used designs and symbols cannot be copyrighted
Copyright Protection
● Copyrighting of coined words, phrases, illustrations, characters and photographs can offer some protection.
Copyright Protection
- Some product categories, such as over-the-counter drugs, are particularly difficult to advertise
International Laws & Regulations
- Advertising for certain products is banned. True or False?
is considered an invasion of privacy in some European countries is forbidden
Direct marketing
Screening and rejecting ads that violet their standards of truth and good taste
Media Review of Advertising
Each individual medium has the direction to accept or reject a particular ad
Media Review of Advertising
they don’t accept illegal ads.
Publications - readers digest
- Develops, uses, and enforces norms within its own practices
All major advertisers and advertising agencies have in-house ad review procedures including reviews by agency and client attorneys.
- Are the claims verifiable?
- Is there research and data to prove the truth of the claims?
- Is there anything in the wording that could be misinterpreted or misleading?
- Is there anything deceptive in the visual image
When the development, use, and enforcement of norms comes from the industry
Industry Self-Regulation
The most effective attempts at pure self-regulation have come through industry groups
Industry Self-Regulation
Is a non-stock, non-profit organization which aims to promote truth and fairness in advertising through self-regulation of advertising content.
Ad Standards Council
Ad Standards Council is established by these 3 organizations in the Philippines
- Association of Accredited Advertisers of the PH
- Local groups
- Consumer activist groups
Self Regulation by Public & Community Groups
- Are Frameworks for right actions and are more domain of religion and philosophy.
- “should “ and “oughts” of behavior
- “Right thing to do”
- Personal Values
- Professional Codes of ethics
- International Stand of Ethics
Decisions about ethics are made based on laws, regulations, and professional codes, but more importantly on an internal moral compass that senses when something is right or wrong. True or False
- Aware of industry standards as well as ethical questions that underlie the core issues
Personal Ethics
- Personal judgment and moral reasoning rest on an intuitive sense of right and wrong
Personal Ethics
- A moral compass that tells you when an idea is misleading, insensitive, too over the top, too manipulative
Personal Ethics
- The courage to speak up and tell your colleagues
Personal Ethics
- Standards of professional behavior
International Standards & Codes
- Singapore’s ad code to protect Asian family values
- Ads in Malaysia must be produced in the country
- Ethical Office of Netherlands
- Swedish Responsible Editor
International Standards & Codes