Lesson 4 Flashcards
nuchal cord
umbilical gets wrapped around newborns neck
decreases fetal heart rate
slip finger under cord and slip it over or cut it
breech presentation
another part of the body leads the way
support body/let body drop
push on mothers abdomen
head is hardest part
footling breech
one or both feet dangle down
transport immediately
embryo temp
T/F we can do C sections
Apgar parameters
HR RR muscle tone reflex colour
when do you do Apgar
1-5 minutes after birth
placenta delivery
20 min after
contractions start again
do you bring placenta to the hospital with you?
nuchal cord
try and slip it off slide middle finger in if that fails cut the bitch
breech presentation
once legs are out lower baby so its weight hangs downward
apply suprapubic pressure
what do you do if babies head is stuck in a breech birth
form a V with ur fingers on the babies face and aid in neck flexion
prolapsed cord
cord is compressed between presenting part and the pelvis
what to do in a prolapsed cord situation
positon mom supine
urge her to not push
cover exposed part in most gauze
shoulder dystocia
difficulty delivering the shoulders
t/f brachial nerves can get damaged with shoulder dystocia
what to do in a should dystocia situation
hyper flex moms legs to the abdomen
apply pressure on the abdomen
when do contractions begin for 2nd twin
5-10 after 1st birth
t/f it goes baby placenta baby placenta
F! baby baby placenta placenta