Lesson 3 Flashcards
what to do if mother is under the influence when you arrive?
document in PCR and let nurse know
number of times women been pregnant
number of pregnancies carried to a viable gestational age (beyond 26 weeks)
pregnant for the first time or has been pregnant one time
given birth once before
been pregnant more then once
given birth 2 or more times
never carried beyond 20 weeks
has never been pregnant
most common pregnancy calls
vaginal bleeding
traumatic injury
pregnant patients are immune from any other causes of abdominal pain
GP questions if patient is pregnant
how many times you've been pregnant how many times have you given birth? abortions? miscarriage? C sections? twins? ultrasound result? last baby movement?
pregnancy symptoms
amenorrhea nausea vomiting breast tenderness back pain cramping vaginal discharge weigh gain edema
first ultrasound non high risk
20 weeks
first ultrasound high risk
10-12 weeks come weekly/biweekly
Cesarean sections once they happen once there’s a great probability they will happen again T/F
We can do C sections T/F
F! don’t even think about it
pregnancy vitals
HR increases 10-20
RR increases
generalized edema
BP decreases in 2nd tri returns in 3rd
best way to do fetal assessment
ask the mother
fundal height
zero mark on top of symphysis pubis
1cm = 1 week
normal fetal heart rate
count for a minute
what trimester does the mom really start to feel movement
type of assessment on mom
head to toe
what should you do if you have to deliver out in there field
call a second unit
labour prodromal stage
plug of mucus/blood
often goes unnoticed
not painful
first stage of labour
5-15 minute contraction intervals
cervix thins out /dilates
1st stage lasts until cervix is fun;y dialled (10cm)
amniotic sac should rupture if not we have to do it
stage 2 of labour
baby enters birth canal
contractions more intense 1-2 minuses long 1-2 minutes long
get ready
once head delivers (largest part) rest of the body usually comes right out
stage 3 labour
delivery of the placenta
minutes to 10 minutes
don’t have to wait for this before transporting
giving oxytocin helps with this stage
questions to ask yourself
am I delivering this baby here? what do I need to prepare? is there time to reach the hospital? what are contractions like? frequency? feel urge to move bowels
when transporting mother in labour what shouldn’t you do?
If there’s no time to transport to the hospital
clean environment
abruptio placentae
premature separation of the placenta
painless vaginal bleeding
pregnancy and drugs
pass through placenta barrier causing birth defects