Lesson 4 Flashcards
What are 3 types of success events?
increase the count by “1” each time the
event is set (ex: Number of Internal Searches)
allows you to pass any number you want to the event (ex: # of products returned = 450)
similar to numeric, but shown with the base
currency of the Report Suite (ex: shipping cost = $4)
What are 2 types of success event allocation?
Define the linear success event
event is allocated evenly for each page/value.
Define the participation success event
assigns equal credit to each variable
value that participates in the flow leading to a success
Most Frequently Asked Questions in Digital Marketing
How did visitors come to our site?
Which marketing channel has the highest ROI?
Why is Digital Marketing important?
Digital Media spend is growing exponentially.
Digital Marketing Channels
Email Typed/Bookmarked – Direct Load Display Banner Social Paid Search Natural Search PLA Affiliate
Search and Banner Ads represent __% of Digital Media spend
There are 2 out of the box folders in AA that will help us understand how visitors got to the site:
- Traffic Sources
2. Campaigns
The reports for Traffic Sources menu fall into 3 basics categories:
- Search Engines
- Search Keywords
- Referrers and Referring Domains
Traffic Sources: Search Engines
Traffic and Conversion information regarding search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc..) that drove traffic to the site.
*Mostly used to segment Natural Search traffic (visits where tracking code doesn’t exist, but a search engine exists)
Traffic Sources: Search Keywords
- Shows the exact keyword or phrase that people entered into the search engine’s field
- Keyword Unavailable: starting in 2013 Google and other engines have stopped sharing keywords data making this report useless