Lesson 4 Flashcards
Define Active Monitoring
During active monitoring, the health department or partner agency will be responsible for establishing regular communication with the individual during the monitoring period. During this time, you or a member of your contact tracing team will assess for the presence of fever or other symptoms of COVID-19. The frequency of contact will be determined by the health department, and the type of communication may involve telephone calls, video calls, or electronic/internet-based means of communication (e.g., text or apps).
Define Self-Monitoring
Self-monitoring may involve having the individual monitor for symptoms and take their own temperature each day. You or a member of your team will provide information on how they should stay alert for symptoms and who to contact if any signs of illness develop.
What are some basic resources and services you may need to provide?
- Instructions on how to isolate, quarantine, or social distance
- How to clean and disinfect spaces you may share with others
- Hotlines for counseling, information, and medical support
- Masks
- Thermometers
- Hand sanitizer
Jack is worried that he won’t be able to care for his elderly mother if he is in quarantine. He’s told you that he doesn’t feel sick, and that he thinks it’s okay for him to keep visiting her.
Services you can provide to help:
Caregiver services for his mother
Anna just got a new job at a pharmacy. Being in quarantine means she can’t start her new job on time. Without the job, she’s worried she won’t be able to cover the cost of groceries.
Connect Anna with free meals that can be delivered to her home
Scenario 3
Robin has been in quarantine in her apartment with her husband and son. She is very worried about her young child getting sick with COVID-19 because he still puts everything in his mouth.
Give instructions on how to keep surfaces clean and disinfected
If the person doesn’t respond during case monitoring
Attempt contact through a variety of methods, including phone, text, or in-person visit