LESSON 3: Verbal Communication Flashcards
Symbols are arbitrary representations of ideas or actions used to encode and decode meaning.
Verbal communication is symbolic
words are basically not connected to what they represent
meanings of words vary from person to person and context to context
the words we use are not concrete or tangible
Every language has different rules.
Verbal communication is rule-governed
study of the way humans use language to evoke meaning in others
the way in which words are used to form phrases and sentences
study of language as it is used in a social context, including its effect on the communication
words have two types of meaning: connotative and denotative meaning
Verbal communication involves meaning
refers to the overtones, implications, or additional meanings associated with a word or an object
dictionary meaning of a word
words with multiple associated meanings
Polysemic word
words with only one meaning and are not associated with other meanings
Monosemic word
words with only one meaning and are not associated with other meanings
Monosemic word