lesson 3: training and development Flashcards
what are the different learning principles?
-feedback and reinforcement
-massed v distributed learning
-individual differences
-active practice and repetition
this determines who among the employees need training or retraining
personal analysis
the use of personal behavior to demonstrate the desired behavior to be learned
learning by getting comments or feedback from trainees themselves, trainers, and fellow trainees, which can help individuals realize what they’re doing wrong
feedback and reinforcement
learning by giving training through either few, long hours of training or series of short hours of training
massed. v distributed learning
learning through the explanation of training goals and objectives by the trainers
training programs that take into account and accommodate the individual differences of trainees
individual differences
learning through the giving of frequent opportunities to trainees to do their job task properly
active practice and repetition
this phase involves stating the instructional objectives that describe the knowledge, skills and attitudes that have to be acquired to be able to perform well
designing the training program
various types of training program implementation include on-the-job training, apprenticeship training classroom instruction, audio-visual method, simulation method and e-learning
implementing the training program
the positive effects of the training program may be seen by assessing the participants’ reactions and their behavior
evaluating the training
developing employees is a part of an organizations’ career management program and its goal is to match the individual employee
employee development
are related to each other because the employees’ excellent or poor performance also determines the compensation given to them
compensation/wages and performance evaluation
types of compensation
-direct compensation
-indirect compensation
-nonfinancial compensation
include workers’ salaries, incentive pays, bonuses and commissions
direct compensation