Lesson 3: Psychoanalysis Flashcards
- Manifest symptoms are caused by latent disturbances (hidden meaning ng msga nangyayari sa labas
- Typical causes include unresolved issues during development or repressed trauma
- Treatment focuses on bringing the repressed conflict consciousness, where the client can deal with it. (Therapy etc)
has an unconscious state (hidden feelings, desires)
Most unconscious desires originate from long-forgotten or repressed childhood experiences
The human mind
revealed memories accessible and remember able
Conscious mind
censor between conscious and unconscious (remembers and accessible memories but still have to think more)
Subconscious / preconscious mind
- deepest darkest
(Cannot be remembered)
Unconscious -
Basic impulses (sex and aggression) seeking immediate gratification; irrational and impulsive. Operates at unconscious level (pleasure principle)
Ideals and morals; for perfection incorporated from parents becoming person’s conscience operates mostly at preconscious level
Executive mediating between id impulses superego inhibition (reality principle) Testing reality; rational. Operates mainly at conscious level but also at preconscious level
The natural mental energy that operates the mechanism of the mind
Sexual pleasure, aggression, hunger, etc.
(Using of mouth for looking and consuming Pleasure
* Birth to 18 months
* Child is totally dependent on others to provide for his her needs
* Pleasure is derived from the use of the mouth
* Dependence
Defense Mechanisms - fixation fixate a person in particular stage of development. (Overeating, smoking, drinking liquor, co-dependency)
- Oral Stage
(Bowel Movement)
* 18 Months until 3 years
* Independence
* Self-control
* Sense of accomplishment
* Anal-retentive (High obsessive compulsive tendencies not same with OCD just a tendency)
* Anal-expulsive ( Easily angered)
* Anus - source of pleasure
- Anal Stage
- 3 to 6 Years of age
- Child develops an attraction to their parent of the opposite sex and rivalrous relationship with his or her parent of the same sex (Completely Unconscious) (Very problematic Stage)
- Oedipus Complex
- (Genitals source of pleasure) Guilt or anxiety of Sex being fixated in
phallic Stage
Nagiging dormant ang sex drive
* 6 to 12 Years of age
* Social Skills
* Social Interactions
* Parents discourage the topic of sex
- Latency Stage
- 12 years of age onward
- Puberty to adulthood
- Genital source of pleasure-no fixations
- Sexual Maturity
- Sexual drive comes back
- Genital Stage
are made by our ego to protect us from our ID and Superego
Defense mechanisms
- most basic defense mechanism
- Forces threatening feelings into the unconscious
- More conscious at mas halata
- Blocking of external events from awareness
- Ego gets rid of unpleasant experiences and their consequences through compulsive ceremonial behavior
- Guilt as a factor
- Adopting a disguise that is directly opposite its original form
- Identified by its exaggerated character and by its obsessive and compulsive behavior
Reaction to formation
- People can redirect their unacceptable urges onto a variety of people or objects so that the original impulse is disguised or concealed
- Actions
- Strategy of remaining at a current pleasurable activity or present, more comfortable psychological stage
- During times of stress and anxiety, the individual may revert back to an earlier stage
- Attributing the unwanted impulse to an external object, usually another person
- Seeing in others unacceptable feelings or tendencies that actually reside in one’s own unconscious
- Traits, characteristics
People incorporate positive qualities of another person into their own ego
- Repression of the genital aim by substituting a cultural or social aim
- Holding it in by doing something good to de-stress
Method by which the troubling unconscious materials are brought to the level of the conscious mind (letting out / trauma dump)
Psychoanalytic Practice / Psychotherapy
Patients ‘projects’ information from their unconscious mind to interpret the ink blot
Rorschach Ink Blots
Unconscious thoughts and feelings can transfer to the conscious mind in the form of parapraxes??
Freudian Slip
Patient talks of whatever comes into their mind
Free Association
I tell a word, and you define it
Word Association
- most reliable approach in knowing our unconscious
Dream Analysis
Unconscious (Original meaning of your dream)
Surface Meaning (naalala mo lang, compressed, just certain parts, could be changed or altered parts of ur dream)
Manifest -
Original meanings are condense (dreams) abbreviated (umiiksi ang meaning) to the outcome of your dreams. Fragment of the original meaning
dreams are replaced by some other idea only remotely related to it
- Father of Psychoanalysis
- Behavior and personality are driven by past events, which are mostly inaccessible to an individual’s consciousness
Sigmund Freud
- Methods through which an individual is guided to understand himself / herself better
- Originating event or circumstance that hinders to live a healthy life is brought to the surface of consciousness
- Free Association
- Freudian Slip
- Individual Psychology
Alfred Adler
- Adler had a more optimistic pov meanwhile Freud had sex and aggression as a pov
- Adler saw people as being motivated by social influences and by striving for superiority or success
- People are largely responsible for who they are unlike Freud who thought that it is their unconscious
- Adler has a notion that present behavior is shaped by people’s view of the future while Freud dive depths towards the past
- Adler believed that psychologically healthy people are usually aware of what they are doing and why they are doing it
Difference of Freud and Adler
- Enable people to hide their inflated self-image and to maintain their current style of life
Safeguarding Tendencies (Defense mechanism of some sort)
- Adlerian safeguarding tendencies are largely conscious and shield a person’s fragile self-esteem from public disgrace
- Adler discussed safeguarding tendencies only with reference to the construction of neurotic symptoms
Freud and Adler’s Differences
Safeguarding Tendencies
- Excuses
- Aggression
- Withdrawal
- Most common
- Typically express in the “yes, but” or “if only” (hesitant, nagdadalawang isip ka kasi ayaw mong magmukhang tamad o mapilli ganon?)
- Protect a weak – but artificially inflated – sense of self-worth and deceive people into believing that they are more superior than they really are.
- Another common SF tendency
- used to safeguard exaggerated superiority complex
- Depreciation (chismis, pninira sa iba)
- Accusation (paninisi sa iba)
- Self-Accusation (sarili ang sinisi)
- Running away from difficulties
- Safeguarding through distance
- Some people unconsciously escape life’s problems by setting up a distance between themselves and those problems
- Tendency to safeguard one’s fictional goal of superiority by psychologically reverting to a more secure period of life
- Similar to Freud’s concept of regression in that both involve attempts to return to earlier, more comfortable phases of life
- Moving backward
- Similar to moving backward but, in general, it is not as severe
- Simply do not move in any direction; thus, avoid all responsibility by ensuring themselves against any threat of failure
- Standing Still
- Closely related to standing still
- Most compulsive behaviors are attempts to waste time
- Second-guessing, nagpapatagal lang ng oras
- Hesitating
- Founded the school of thought – Analytic Psychology
- Mental health is achieved through a balanced and a well-understood personality
Carl Jung
Levels of the psyche
- Conscious
- Personal Unconscious
- Collective Unconscious