Lesson 3: Muscles And Bones Of The Upper Extremity Flashcards
What are the primary actions of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?
Alone this muscle will rotate the neck to the opposite side. Together with the other SCM it will flex the neck.
What are the primary actions of the Biceps brachii?
Flexes the elbow and supinates the radioulnar joint.
What are the primary actions of the triceps brachii muscle?
Extends the elbow.
What are the primary actions of the Brachioradialis muscle?
Flexes the elbow, especially in the neutral grip, eg. The hammering muscle.
What are the primary actions of the coracobrachialis muscle?
Adducts and flexes the shoulder.
The hip bone is made of 3 bones. From posteriorly to anteriorly, name them.
Posteriorly - first the Ilium then the posterior superior IS is the most posterior bony part. Anteriorly - the Anterior superior IS is the most anterior part, then the ischium, then the pubis.
Where is the temporal bone found?
Side of the skull
Which of these do you not find in Osseous tissue: Matrix, inorganic salts, collegenous fibres, periosteum.
In endochondrial ossification what does bone replace?
It replaces a cartilage model.
What are the primary hip flexor So?
The Iliacus and the psoas major. The rectus femoris is also a hip flexor.
What are a sarcolemma and a sarcomere?
Sarcolemma - the cell membrane of a myofiber. Sarcomere - smallest functional unit of a muscle.
What are the primary actions of the Rhomboid major muscle?
Retraction and fixes the scapula
Name the following muscle and its actions.

The middle or lateral deltoid muscle.
The deltoid abducts the shoulder.
Thre anterior and posterior deltoid are an antagonistic pair. The anterior deltoid Cortes flex ion and horizontal flex ion and medial rotation of the shoulder where the posterior deltoid extends and horizontally extends and creates lateral rotation of the shoulder.
Name the following muscle and its actions.

Pectoralis minor.
Used in forced breathing. It also protracted and downward lay rotates the scapula by pulling the Coracoid medically and inferiorly.
Name the following muscle and its actions.

Teres major.
The difference between teres major and minor is the major attaches to the anterior humerus while the minor attaches to the humerus posteriorly.
Teres major medically rotates (all muscles attaching to the anterior humerus medically rotate).
Name the following muscle and its actions.

Main flexor of the elbow with the biceps.
Name the following muscle and its actions.

This anterior scapula as you cannot see the spine.
Because it attaches anteriorly to the humerus it is a medial rotator of the shoulder.
Also part of the rotator cuff group that fixes the shoulder.
Name the following muscle and its actions.

Serratus anterior.
Protracts and upwardly rotates the scapula.
Also stabilises the scapula. It is the train tracks for the scapula.
Name the following muscle and its actions.

Latissimus dorsi.
Main action is extension, adduction, and medial rotation of the shoulder.
Be careful here as this a posterior muscle that attaches anteriorly on the humerus (next to pectoralis major and teres major).
Name the following muscle and its actions.

Only one muscle on the posterior arm. Elbow extension