Lesson 3: Effective Communication Skills Flashcards
any factors that prevent us from
effectively exchanging and
understanding messages
Communication Barrier
These manifest when two
individuals do not have a
common language, have an
unfamiliar accent, or use
unfamiliar words or
expressions, jargon, and
Language Barrier
These are evident when there is
difficulty in communication due
to differing principles, views,
and beliefs. This is also
applicable to those who are
insensitive to other people’s
Cultural Barrier
Cultural barriers can come from different factors
Social Status
These are hindrances to
better communication caused
by environmental factors
such as noise, lighting, and
distance between the
receiver and speaker.
Physical Barrier
This happens when a person
believes he or she
understands what the
speaker means even before
the message is completely
expressed. It can also happen
when the receiver immediately
judges the message as
This happens when
one gives too much
information within a
limited time.
Information Overload
This happens when a person
gives information that does not
interest others or when a
person does not give attention
to either the speaker or his or
her message.
Lack of Interest and Attention
Communication Barriers
Language Barriers
Physical Barriers
Cultural Barriers
Information Overload
Lack of Interest and Attention
Be focused: Have a specific purpose for speaking or listening
Speak Intelligibly: Make yourself understandable (volume, pacing, enunciation, pronunciation, proper word stress).
listen with your ears and eyes: Pay attention to the speaker’s verbal as well as nonverbal cues
Minimize Distractions: Block out any form of interference, or adjust to different forms of distraction.
Ways to Achieve Effective
- Use time-gaining expressions to have more time to think
- Use time-gaining expressions to have more time to think
- Give positive remarks or comments
- Be specific
- Ask for repetition or clarification
- Check your understanding
- Do not jump to conclusions
Strategies to Avoid Communication Breakdown