Lesson 3 Flashcards
Asch (1956)
Placed a naive participant in a group with sever confederates. Group was asked to look at standard line and then decide individually which of three other test lines was the same length(no discussion to anyone else). Responses given one at a time out loud. Naive last participant to give answer so they heard rest of responses before giving their own.
Confederate gave wrong answer how many times?
12 of the 18 trials
How many answers were incorrect
33% of participants answer was incorrect
75% of participants conformed on at least 1 of 18 trials
5% conformed on every trial
25% did not conform on any trial
What did the participants say when interviewed
Continued to trust own judgment but gave the same answer as the group to avoid disapproval (NSI)
Three factors Asch evaluated
Group size
Task difficulty
Group size
As the group increased to about 3/4 the amount of conformity increased as well. When the group size got to a certain point conformity did not to seem to increase in groups larger than four. (considered the optimal group size for conformity)
Task Difficulty
When test lines were more similar in length so it was much harder to judge the correct answer. This caused conformity to increase possibly because ISI was starting to have an impact. We are uncertain and look to others for confirmation.
When group was unanimous conformity increased. When only other person gave a different answer (group was not unanimous) conformity decreased. Just one confederate that disagreed from majority –> 33% to 5%. Someone else who refuses to conform makes it easier for us to resist
Evaluation of Asch
Methodology was a laboratory experiment. Study was very controlled extraneous variables would not have affected validity of study
Lacks mundane realism / ecological validity (conformity usually social and experiment not realistic)
Gender bias (can’t be generalised)
Old (80 years ago) - people maybe more conformist then.
What is a common problem with lab experiments
Lacks mundane realism ( doesn’t reflect real life)