LESSON 3 Flashcards
Gender and Media
The power of media plays a big role in our everyday life. People construct their knowledge about gender roles and identity by seeing and understanding activities in everyday life. In this regard, media is one of the determining factors aiding to shape the social perception about gender roles and identity.
Over decades, print media like ____, _____, ______ and ______ has played a profound role to define gender identity by stereotyping and segregating gender roles.
books, magazines, advertisements, internet
Men and Women are constantly being ______ on television, movies, book covers, advertisements and other forms of media.
Women are _____ and _______ to sell products and onlookers are lead to believe it is normal behavior and given unrealistic expectations to attempt to achieve.
objectified, degraded
How gender is depicted in _____ is a problem that seems to only be getting worse, not better
influences of media on people
media influences how people dress, what they eat, what they look like, the games they play, the music they listen to, and the entertainment they watch.
Media convey these messages in two ways:
- In the message content of the television shows, magazine articles, news items, music, and movies
- In the advertising that surrounds these messages.
Media create _____ _____, making people believe they exert control over what they view (and what they think about what they view) when in reality they have little or no control
false consciousness
More often shown standing and moving
MALE - Whole-Body posture
More often shown lying down
FEMALE - Whole-Body posture
Straight and positioned directly at the camera
MALE - Head
Titled at an angle or looking away from the camera
Focused and watching the world around them
MALE - Eyes
Not paying attention, spaced out
Controlling and assertive; hands use the objects to do something; men touch others
MALE - Hands
Passive and controlled by environment; objects rest in them; women touch themselves
FEMALE - Hands
Legs are straight, in motion, or solidly planted
MALE - Legs
Knees are bent so that the body is titled and off-center; legs are crossed or women hold one of their feet
Maturity and manly
MALE - Performance of age
Infantile, shown snuggling into men; women presented as looking like girls, and girls presented looking like women
FEMALE - Performance of Age
- Media
- False need and consciousness
- Shapes the knowledge and understanding of individuals about gender identity.
- Stereotypes the role of men and women in society and segregates gender role.
Media has defined how females and males should look and act. _____ play a huge role in this.
Though advertisements, performers, actors and actresses, the standard male should be _____, _____, ______, _____, _______ and so on
masculine, dominant, physically fit, has abs, handsome
The standard women is _____, _____, _____, treated as _____, _____, should be _____, ____, have ______ and so on,
feminine, soft, pretty
property, objectified
submissive, thin
large breasts